Sep 18, 2003 23:18
Found an old survey Katie and I wrote. We used to get all hyped up at Surge at 1AM and write crazy surveys...Dave and Jon once came up with their own survey rebuttle, and this is what we hit them with! This was mid 1999. Crazy.
Hello lovers!!! This is Liz and Katie and Katie and Liz writing you all at 12:32 AM at Liz's house!!! Many moons (heh) ago, we sent most of you OUR OWN very creative survey. We had come up with all of the questions ourselves, and were incredible creative. Well, lovers, since then times have changed and the winds have shifted. Two boys (YOUNG boys-pre pubescent boys)have come up with "their OWN" survey. We won't mention Jon Watt's and Dave Washburn's names, but we know them on a personal basis (HELLO INTERNET STALKERS COME AND KILL THEM!!! EMAIL ME I'LL GIVE YOU THEIR PERSONAL HOME ADDRESS!!). They copied our Internet Survey Revolution idea, and EVEN COPIED SOME OF OUR QUESTIONS!!! So it is time for a war, lovers. We have been challenged. We will come up with YET ANOTHER CREATIVE UNIQUE survey, YOU ALL will fill them out and send it out into the world (and back to Katie the Magnificent and Liz the Fabulous and Liz the Fabulous and Katie the Magnificent). They will probably ATTEMPT another one....BUT WE WILL MEET THE CHALLENGES OF THE 21st CENTURY!!! SO REMEMBER THE ALAMO AND GOLIAD!!! LET THE GAMES BEGIN!!! (I like it when you shake it like that...oh oh oh!)
Your name:
Your alias:
Your aliens:
Your lover:
Your lover's aliens:
Your alien's lovers:
Liz and Katie or Katie and Liz?
Death by papercuts or elephant's asses?
Pretty blue color or Puke Green?
Seth Green or Urkle?
Urkle or a highlighter?
"OH MY GOD IT'S RICKY MARTIN!!!" or "OH MY GOD IT'S BRITTNEY SPEARS!!!" (guys must answer Ricky Martin, girls may answer either one):
"Do I make you horny" or "Do you want to SHAG???":
Theatre or Theater (BE SMART - ANSWER THEATRE):
Kill Jon Watts or Dave Washburn?:
Steal other people's questions or ideas???????
Next question for cool guys only...
Ask out Liz the Fabulous or Katie the Magnificent?(HINT SAY LIZ)
Ask out Katie the Magnificent or Liz the Fabulous? (HINT SAY KATIE)
Braces or a gap?
Ballet or Pole?
Bulemia or Anorexia?
Pigs that Fly or Dolphins that Swim?
Drive against traffic or on the wrong side of the road?
Male or Female?
Marilyn Manson or The Supremes?
Limited Too or Baby Gap?
Homie G Funk or G Dawg?
Humping dog's legs or Dog's humping your leg?
Female anatomy or you just look like a girl:
Sex Ed or Anatomy?
My cousin or my aunt?
Dissect the male or female anatomy?
Sonny or Cher?
Death or Life?
Dissect Jon or Dave?
Murder -legal or illegal?
Satan or Sonny?
"La Vida Loca" or "Cup of Life" (What KIND of cup??? A BIG OR small ONE???):
Does that last question deserve one or two answers?
Vampires or Blood Sucking creatures of the Night?
Sacrifice goats or cows?
Cannibal or Hannibal?
Hannibal or Mary Tyler Moore?
"WOW Katie and Liz are soo cool!!!" or "WOW Liz and Katie are soo cool!!!"
Staying up late for dignity and honor of war or harrassing
internet people by orange iguanas?
Are you cool or not cool enough to kiss an orange iguana?
Are you aware or not aware of the serious plight of orange
If yes, skip next statement...
THE PLIGHT OF ORANGE IGUANAS - In the making of this survey, we (Katie and Liz and Liz and Katie) decided that as well as honoring the dignity of war, we may contribute to a good cause that is educating the serious plight of
orange iguanas. Orange iguanas are the outcasts of society. Orange iguanas wear an unseen Scarlet Letter. Do you realize that NO ONE wants to kiss an orange iguana? orange iguanas get very depressed because of this fact that no one loves them - sometimes even clinically. Then they have to go through the whole Prozac thing, and EVERYONE knows Prozac doesn't work on orange iguanas so they end up killing themselves. Have you ever actually stopped your car on a bridge and watched the poor little things jump off to their untimely death??? Sometimes they even have little sawed-off shotguns and make it less painful. And where would this world be without our beloved (or unbeloved, as the sad case is) orange iguanas? So, lovers, next time you see an orange iguana (and don't be afraid to look for them!! They WANT to be found!) please kiss them. You will have saved one more life. Now one more
person has been educated on the serious plight of suicidal
orange iguanas, maybe someday it will make a difference...Thank you for your time and money.
On with the questions....
Now that you know about the plight, what will you do?
By answering that last question (or even opening this email) you are morally and legally obligated to send a $50 donation to or and and Email us for more info on sending the money. The suicidal orange iguanas of the world thank you.
Summergirls or Summerguys?
Fly or zipper?
SURGE!!! or Surge?:
Oregon or hell?
"Time for Katie and Liz to move on to more productive internet stuff..." or "Liz and Katie are bored with doing this..."?
Send infinity money to or and or
Are we insane or simply Drama Freaks?
Say something REALLY COOL about the person who sent this to you....OR DIE AND BURN IN THE BOWELS OF HELL FOR ALL OF ETERNITY:
Well, this is Liz and Katie and Katie and Liz saying "Thank you, lovers, remember the plight of suicidal orange iguanas who need $50 dollars from you EACH, KILL JON AND DAVE, and please keep our internet war alive by filling this out and sending it on and back....ADIEU LOVERS!!!
-Katie the Magnificent ( and Liz the Fabulous ( or Liz the Fabulous ( and Katie the Magnificent (