FanFic: Perhaps a great love is never returned (3/?)

Mar 31, 2011 21:27

It's Monday morning and you are walking down the corridors of McKinley High trying to find her, you finally spot her in the crowd. She's standing in front of her locker, suddenly you feel your mobile phone buzzing, it's a text message from her.

'Quinn, where are you?-R'

You walk behind her and you whisper in her ear. "Behind you." You can see that she wasn't expecting it, she jumps in surprise and you are trying really hard not to laugh.

"Quinn Charlotte Fabray, do NOT do that ever again. Do you want to give me a heart attack?" You just stand there and stare at her with a huge grin as her rant goes on and on.

"So what have you done about Step 1?"

"Hey don't speak so loud. She might hear us." She says as she turns her head around to check if anyone is paying attention to your conversation. "All clear." She declares and you can't help yourself, your smile becomes even bigger. "I wrote the poem last night and I threw it in her locker, I am waiting for her to come and find it so that I can squee over her reaction."

"You are crazy! You know that right?"

"Yeah, crazy in love with her." She says, you notice that she blushes as she says that and you feel a pinch of jealousy in your heart.

"Oh look there she is." She says as she's trying to hide behind you. "What do I do? What do I do?"

"Nothing that hasn't been done already, now shhh.."You answer back. She scoffs but she obeys.

Mercedes' locker is not that far from where you're standing, you both have a clear view. You see her putting the combination and opening it, suddenly a small pink envelope fells down and she bents to get it. She turns it back and front and examines it, she then decides to open the envelope. As she pulls the letter out of the envelope you notice some glitter falling out of the envelope.

You roll your eyes and you ask her, "Was that really necessary?" She's not paying any attention to you, she keeps staring at Mercedes like a lovestruck puppy. Now it's your turn to scoff and fold your arms across your chest.

"She's reading it. She's reading it." She whispers enthusiastically.

"I can see that. You don't have to repeat everything you say twice."

Mercedes looks really amused and she starts to laugh as she keeps on reading the poem. 'Uh-oh, that's a bad sign.' You think to yourself. After she's finished reading it she turns to look around, probably trying to identify the person behind the love poem she found in her locker. She spots both of you staring at her and you can see her approaching you.

"She's coming. What do I do?" She asks as she starts to panic.

"Don't say anything stupid and act cool. The rest, leave it on me."

"Hey girls!" Mercedes greets both of you. "What's up?"

"Hola Mercedes. Estamos bien." Rachel answers nervously.

"Why is she speaking in Spanish?" Mercedes turns to ask you with a confused look.

"Ummm…W-we…We have a test and we are practicing." You feel so proud of yourself, your excuse sounds plausible but she's still eyeing both of you suspiciously.

"S-si!" Rachel says as she nods anxiously.

You have to distract Mercedes from the crazy and cute dwarf standing next to you. "Hey what's that in your hand?" You ask trying to change the subject.

"Ha! This letter?" She asks with a snort. You both nod. "Some idiot left it in my locker, it's a poem…I guess. But the lyrics are really stupid." Mercedes snorts once again and you notice Rachel's smile falling.

"Really? What does it say?" You ask, it can't be that awful you think to yourself.

Mercedes clears her throat and she starts to read out loud.

"Roses are red violets are blue

We go together like my clothes match with my shoes.

Simply having you in my life makes my day

You're the love of my life is all I wanna say.

I spent my days and nights thinking of you

Whenever I see you, I'm a happy Jew.

I just wanna love you with all my might

Oh baby baby would you be my bride?

I'll do anything for our love my dear Mercedes

Nothing will stand in the way not even Hades."

Mercedes rolls her eyes and she snorts once again, you see that Rachel is about to burst in tears.

"It's not too bad." Rachel says trying to defend herself.

"Now that I think about it. You are right Berry, it's not that bad." Mercedes answers, you can see a shy smile forming on Rachel's face. "It's garbage." She says and she rips the poem into pieces. She throws it in the nearest bin and you can see a tear running down Rachel's cheek. You have to fix this.

"Well, it was nice talking to you Mercedes. See you later in Glee club." You say as you take Rachel by the hand and pull her away. As far as possible from Mercedes. You take her to the nearest girl's bathroom and she lets herself burst into tears. After 5 minutes she stops crying and starts to calm but she looks devastated nevertheless. You just stand there, helpless trying to find ways to cheer her up. You can't take it anymore and you pull her in your arms to give her a big, warm hug.

"Don't worry Rach! Everything is going to be okay." You say as you stroke her back. She relaxes into your arms, takes a deep breath and whispers into your ear. "Thank you." You can feel butterflies in your stomach and you're about to melt, this is the first time you've been this close and it feels wonderful having her in your arms.

"The first step was a failure. I guess we move on to Step 2." You whisper back, you can sense that she's smiling. You hate seeing her so vulnerable and you promise right there and then that you will never hurt her again intentionally.

None of you is strong enough to break the hug, until you hear the bell ring 10 minutes later.

"Tenemos que ir a classe Casanova." You tell her and then you do something that you even surprise yourself, you give her a kiss on the cheek.

"Whenever I see you, I'm a happy Jew. Seriously?" You say with a laugh as you try to make her feel better.

"Oh stop it!" She answers back with a shy smile. She seems less sad than before and it's all that matters to you right now.

A/N: Hey guys what do you think about the new chapter? Did you like it?

faberry, fanfiction

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