11:27pm: Yes, yes it did. You go there to look at something and the next thing you know you're looking at something completely different!
But hey, it's fun to watch! :O)
In other news, I finally managed to track down a decently priced dressing gown at the Vinnies in Crows Nest. It's nice and red and it only cost me 10 bucks! I think I look pretty sharp in it if I do say so myeself.
In other news today I worked my extra half hour, but as I'm working with one of my favourite co-workers it's not so bad, time went pretty quickly actually. So that's good news indeed.
After work I had to go and get my eyebrows and upper lip waxed (because moustache! D:) but I had to go to a different person because my usual lady finishes early on a Saturday and I didn't want to wait until next Saturday because seriously that mo I mine would make a 15 year old proud :OP
Anything else to report? Nope, got to church in the nick of time and all went well and now I'm watching Le Tour.
Oh and I can't seem to find anyone to come ice skating with me. But I'll still go, because it sounds pretty cool, getting to go ice skating on the beachside. I'll get pictures!
And I don't think I have the inclination to do the Memes right now so I'll leave that til tomorrow. For now, goodnight!
Dressing gown
Reach for the laser with
Antic's Sims-ulator!