11:10pm: It's rather odd to see Rhea Pearlman aka Carla from Cheers as a lawyer on this thing. She looks the same as she did on Cheers as well! Which is rather interesting when you consider how much older the rest of the cast looks. Ha, and they called her the ugly one.
Do I have any other news? Nah, not really...lots of magazines to bring home from work today and I caught up on my budget again, good stuff.
I also filled on the Census application online today! :OD Wheee!
Now I'm watching regular Law & Order and Goddamn, Jack should fire the barber who gave him his haircut in this episode. He looks totally weird. Or maybe it's just the light, because now he's in court and he looks OK.
And in what's a familiar mantra, I need to work on my assignment, but ugh, I'm kind of confused on what to do, I think there's supposed to be a textbook...I'm not going to buy a textbook, it costs a ridiculous amount of money and I'd only look at it for like two seconds.
And that's all I have to say for today!
Goodnight all!
Law & Order-ness
Reach for the laser with
Antic's Sims-ulator!