10:56pm: Yes indeed, because my current one is on it's last legs, so now I have a nice new one! :OD It's got many compartments and a place to put my mobile phone, I went to several shops to find it in fact. And at a kickass price too! It says it's genuine leather so I hope so.
What else to report...oh yes! My mother has intervened with the Newsagency Boss, she went in this morning to explain what I had meant to say but hadn't been able to because I freeze up in confrontational situations like this. Anyway apparently the Newsagency still might have use for me (which in all honesty I should take up because I do need money), but I'll have to wait til the beginning of next week because the Big Boss needs to discuss it with the Co-Boss.
Hmmm, it occurs to me though I'm 27 years old, is it incredibly lame of me to get my mother to help me with my battles? Even if it did work?
More importantly, the library people were very happy for me! :OD They want to hear all about my experiences at the ABC. Although at present I'm not sure if I can still volunteer there, we'll have to see how the Newsagency works out, I may be working 'full-time'.
Thursday's Top Ten
What are the top ten things you love about Easter?
1. Chocolate!
2. Hanging with Family
3. Days off
4. Roast potatoes
5. Chocolate.
6. Chance to catch up with friends
7 through 10. Chocolate
LOL sensing a theme?
Booking Through Thursday
CAN you judge a book by its cover?
Nah not really...but a bad cover can really make some not want to buy a book. For example I went out of my way to purchase a US edition of Polgara the Sorceress - when the Aussie dollar was pretty shit - because the edition available in Australia was hideous! Words cannot adequately describe how shit this cover was, embarrassing.
3x Thursday
Junk Food
What are your 3 favorite junk foods? Why?
1. Chocolate, whoo, yummy!
2. Chips
3. Cheeeese!
Right, it's getting on in time and I have to get up tomorrow so I can catch the bus over to church to help Dad with Stations of the Cross. It'll be on the Sunday schedule so yeah.
I bid you all goodnight!
Help from Mum
Reach for the laser with
Antic's Sims-ulator!