10:46pm: The Embarrassing Bodies show that is. Man, I've said it before and I'll say it again...what is it with British people and bad teeth. Maybe it's the British sweets? I heard they're seriously sugar filled.
Moving along, I've created yet another journal for my King Arthur's children, LOL - you can find them here
neverclotpoles. I found that rather interesting LJ layout and modified it a bit. It's not exactly perfect, but eh, it'll do.
And now Meme time -
And oh no! Thursday Thunks has ended! I'm so bummed...although apparently it was around for two years so maybe I can go to the archives.
Booking Through Thursday
Any New Year’s reading resolutions?
Read all my library books and return them on time, because library fees can get seriously expensive and there's two at Lane Cove Library that I just can't get rid of (even though I've all ready paid the damn things! I don't want to have to do it again! But I may have to I suppose...)
3x Thursday
The Beginning of Another Year
1. Name one thing you *want* to happen in 2011.
Get a job at a library! Or failing that finish my library course, because that's cost me money damnit! Or at least given me a debt, I'd like to get something out of it.
2. Name one thing you want to *disappear* in 2011.
Uh...I dunno? Period pain? Because that really is annoying.
3. Name one thing you hope happens in 2011.
My RPGing continues! I've got two paid LJs for two of my guys so I better make use of 'em! Which also leads me to hope that the fourth season of Merlin proves to be good!
Anywho! Unexpected work tomorrow, so I better head off and make sure I've got everything wrapped up on RPG front.
Goodnight all!
TV Show Weirdness
Reach for the laser with
Antic's Sims-ulator!