10:35pm: Yes indeed! The Revue! As it turned out we weren't in the front row because seats had been sold out there by the time my friend got to it. Which was a good thing really because there was a nude dance! With strategically positioned props of course, but still there would have white buttocks in our faces and my friend knows most of those people!
Unfortunately, I lost track of time so I'm only just having dinner now! Or rather in like 40 minutes. How unfortunate.
Also my friend decided to go home, which is a shame, but then again the mattress looks like it'd be a struggle to get out from behind the shelf.
So, here I am watching a program called Bulging Brides, although it should be noted these women aren't actually fat, they just bought wedding dresses that were too small! Also, why don't they have something for Bulging Grooms I mean that cumberband might not fit, LOL!
Moving along a survey!
A is for ACCENT: Australian! And apparently somewhat country-ish because I've had people ask about how long I've been here in Sydney.
B is for BREAST SIZE: I'm either a 10E or a 12DD depending on the brand. (How do men answer this question anyway? LOL!)
C is for the CHORE YOU HATE: Washing Dishes...I hate washing dishes!
D is for my DAD'S NAME: John.
E is for the ESSENTIAL MAKE-UP ITEM: None.
F is for FAVORITE PERFUME: Never worn it, except maybe once and I have no idea what it was.
G is for GOLD OR SILVER: Either or.
H is for HOMETOWN: Sydney, Australia.
I is for INSOMNIA: No - knock on wood! Although I have been having a lot of night sweats lately, which is a slight worry.
J is for JOB TITLE: Unemployed/Volunteering (Thanks for asking :O/)
K is for KIDS: None.
L is for LIVING ARRANGEMENTS: I live with my parents because as an umemployed peson I can't afford to live in my apartment (at least not if I'm going to pay off the mortgage), so I have to share it with my little bro. He lives here during the week and I'm here on weekends (mostly)!
M is for MOM'S BIRTHPLACE: Sydney, Australia (although contrary to popular belief there is more than one city here, LOL!)
N is for the NUMBER OF APPLES YOU'VE EATEN: Not many lately, which is quite unfortunate, because I really do like them.
O is for OVERNIGHT HOSPITAL STAYS: A few nights when I was a baby - I had a twisted stomach - or rather some probably with my duodeunum.
P is for PHOBIA: Throwing up.
Q is for QUEST: Get a job, damnit!
R is for RELIGIOUS AFFILIATION: Catholic, a bit liberal with it.
S is for SIBLINGS: 1 older brother and 1 younger brother.
T is for the TIME YOU WAKE UP: 8:30am during the week days and 9:30am on the weekend.
U is for the UNNATURAL HAIR COLORS YOU'VE WORN: Well, I did spray paint a white streak in it for a costume party where I went as Rogue.
V is for the VEGETABLE YOU REFUSE TO EAT: Onions - ugh!
W is for WORST HABIT: Poking my tongue out when I'm nervous or concentrating hard, as you can imagine this isn't a good look.
X is for the X-RAYS YOU'VE HAD: Ankle a few times (left and right - I have a chip in my right ankle from where I sprained it badly), knee and teeth (fuck me, I hate those x-rays sooo uncomfortable!
Y is for the YUMMY FOODS YOU MAKE: Chocolate cupcakes! Mmmm yummy!
Z is for ZANY QUIRK: Talk to myself...out loud. Whoops
Hmm, this show has some dangerous looking exercises! I'm sure they're not but it looks nasty to me.
Also, there looks like a there's a delicious cake popping up in this show, I waaaant!
They don't like bread much these dieting types, what's with that. Although I do wonder how I'd stack up to these people - they have such huge servings! I do eat heaps of cheese though...so addictive.
And finally - marriage apparently makes you fat...
Now memes!
The (Other) Friday Five
This week's questions are brought to you courtesy of __angi, the letter F, and the number 5...
1. What do you really want to be when you grow up? Please see my previous 750 answer to this question, LOL.
2. Where were you born? Canberra, ACT, Australia - in a hospital that's no longer open anymore!
3. Who were you with on September 11, 2001? My classmates, I was in school at the time.
4. When do you brush your teeth? In the morning after breakfast and at night after dinner. (Question, why would you brush your teeth BEFORE eating breakfast? Doesn't that make everything taste like shit?)
5. Where is Waldo?
We have no Waldo! Down here it's Wally!
The (Other) Saturday Six
Video Games
Name 6 of your favourite video games?
1. The Sims 3
2. The Sims 2
3. Mario Kart
4. Hand of Fate
5. Sonic
6. Monkey Island
Saturday 9
:Tell Her No:
1. When was the last time that you had to tell someone that you loved, that the answer was no?
Well, I tried to tell my mother no the other day but she was like 'Come oooon' so I did. :OP Before that..I dunno.
2. When was the last time you visited a hospital?
Uh...wow...I think it would have been when my little cousin Mack was born...over 6 years ago! Unless you count the time I was in the Emergency Room for a stupid reason. Man, so embarrassing.
3. If you were to start a club, what would the subject matter be, and what would you name it?
Some sort of BTTF club! Because BTTF rocks my socks no idea what I could call it though...:OD But hmmm...I could also do a George III club, he needs fans - I'd call it "The Society for the Protection of George III" - cause some historians are really rough.
4. Have you ever hit someone of the opposite sex?
My brothers yes.
5. What's the first thing you notice about the preferred sex?
A strong jaw...niiiice.
6. What really turns you on?
That chocolate frosting I saw...mmmmm, chocoately.
7. What was your biggest mistake?
Getting my ass fired.
8. Tell us something totally random about yourself.
I really want my freaking dinner damnit!
9. Has anyone ever said you looked like a celebrity?
I was told I looked like Audrey Hepburn in one photo, but it was a profession glamour shot...
Saturday Six 1. What is the most recent thing you purchased with real cash?
Some food for the apartment - my brother gave me 20 bucks yesterday, so I used that.
2. As a general rule, do you keep cash on you at all times?
Generally yes, it's handy, although I don't like to have too much because it's way too easy to spend!
3. You have $50 in cash in your pocket and you are approached by someone asking for $20 because they’ve run out of gas. They seem believable and genuinely in need. Would you give them the $20?
Well, I guess...but I'd feel more comfortable going into the service station and paying for it, esepcially if I didn't have change - 50 bucks is a lot!
4. Take
the quiz: What Dollar Bill Are You?
You Are a Five Dollar Bill
You're not totally broke, but you definitely are counting all your pennies. You believe that thrift is a virtue.
You've got some cash in your pocket, and you'd like to keep it that way. You like being one step ahead of your bills.
You are responsible and detail oriented. You aren't intimidated by money or balancing your checkbook.
You are the type most likely to know what everything costs... and to know when a cashier gave you wrong change.
What Dollar Bill Are You? Blogthings: Quizzes and Tests and Memes, Oh My! 5. How often do you have this denomination in your pocket?
6. Which single line in the quiz answer above best describes you?
"You like being one step ahead of your bills" - Although sometimes I fall behind now I don't have job. :O(
And the 30 Day Meme!
Day 19 - Something you regret, in great detail
Uh...hmmm...I don't actually regret many things...which I suppose is good! But then I don't take many risks.
I do regret losing contact with my first best friend, we got only really well! And it was great having a friend especially since I used to get teased so much in primary school.
We kept in contact for a few years after I left Dubbbo, but eventually we lost touch - I did in fact run into her once a few years ago! But I don't think we could have reconnected, we'd grown too far apart.
Life can be lame.
Day 20 - This month, in great detail
Day 21 - Another moment, in great detail
Day 22 - Something that upsets you, in great detail
Day 23 - Something that makes you feel better, in great detail
Day 24 - Something that makes you cry, in great detail
Day 25 - A first, in great detail
Day 26 - Your fears, in great detail
Day 27 - Your favorite place, in great detail
Day 28 - Something that you miss, in great detail
Day 29 - Your aspirations, in great detail
Day 30 - One last moment, in great detail
Right! Dinner's ready and I'm hungry so ta for now!
Reach for the laser with
Antic's Sims-ulator!