10:29pm: Compass is on, its a documentary about the Jewish people and their various hats (you know, the little cap ones, the big fur ones and the kinda regular looking black ones). It's very interesting, apparently way back when one of the Popes had the Jewish people wear symbols on their clothes and wear certain hats to set them apart. Creepy, that's probably where Hitler got the idea for the star.
But also intriguing is that the Jews have made these hats part of their culture even though they were supposed to be symbols of humilation and such. Hmmm, a resilent group.
Having said that the maker of the docu sure uses the term 'hat' a lot, it gets a bit irritating after a while.
We were watching the Closing Ceremony before that though, complete with oversized drums! LOL, so cute. :OD
Anywho, I'm updating this because I'm in the mood for more of that 5000 q survey....
3151. If you were to start a club, what club would you start?
3152. Are your hands and feet always cold?
Well, not always, or maybe they are and I get used to it, I noticed today that my hands were unusual cold. Brrrr!
Maybe you have bad circulation.
3153. Have you ever been prank called?
Yes, and they did a really piss poor job of it too.
If yes, what was the situation?
Apparently it was the girl's birthday party and she called me up because she was a jerk (for no reason whatsoever she once whacked my hand with her Maths books - I had a bruise under my thumbnail for weeks after that.
3154. Have you ever prank called someone?
If yes, what was the prank?
3155. Have you ever gotteen into a conversation with someone when they or you have dialed a wrong number?
LOL, no, although my friend Micki mentioned a bizarre incident way back in Year 7 when she tried to call our friend Zep. She got an elderly woman of the same name and spoke to her for some time.
3156. Have you ever just sat alone with no distractions for a whole hour and thought about things?
If yes, does the universe open up when you do this?
3157. Are you a genius?
3158. If you were going to design the PERFECT signifigant other...what flaws would you give them?
The flaw of being way too awesome! Heh no, I'd say...a messy type person, because that's what I am. Our home would be a Hell of a thing to see though...
3159. If you answered NO to 3157, why do you doubt yourself?
I don't, there's very few geniuses in the world. And just because I'm not a genius doesn't mean I'm dumb - :OP
3160. RARRRR!!! Scared ya, didn't I?
Err no.
3161. Do feelings and ideas come from inside the mind or outside in the culture?
Both I guess.
3162. When you have a feeling or an idea:
do you trust it? Depends, if it's a story idea yes. If it's me trying to make a decision to do with my real life, no.
Even when people are telling you that you are wrong?
Once again, depends.
Even when people are laughing at you for it?
If it's writing I'll solider on with it (in the case of my brothers, hmpf!), but other things, I dunno.
I swear I've answered this like 5 times, it's Anne Macquarie, which sounds kinda dramatic.
3164. What is the differance between spirituality and religion?
Um, religion is organised and spirituality is personal to you.
3165. What is the speediest way you know of to get over a cold or flu?
Judging from this year's events: Take the day off immediately, don't try and slog it out, it'll only get worse.
3166. Who is your favorite comedian?
Ooh...I have to say Colin Mochrie, man he cracks me up so bad.
3167. What do you think of Winona Ryder's court case?
Man, that was aaaages ago, this survey is old school. I don't know the details enough to have an opinion.
3168. What was your last nightmare about?
Well, on Friday night I had a rather disturbing dream where my co-worker Terry's wife was sick and the Boss fired me and all sorts of weird shit. I didn't wake up or anything, but it's was a bit scary.
3169. Who are the people in your neighborhood?
Don't know my neighbours well enough to say.
3170. During what decade was popular music the most emotional?
Shrug, beats me.
During what decade was popular music the best?
I say the 60s! The Beatles, The Beach Boys...it was a good time.
3171. How did Frederick Douglas, escape slavery against all odds? There were thousands and thousands of slaves around him, why did only he manage to learn to read and write?
I don't know who that is...
3172. Do you download porn? (be honest!)
Hell no!
3173. Why is 'go suck an egg' or 'your grandma sucks eggs!' an insult?
Probably has some sort of sexual connitation we can't remember now.
3174. Life is: A box of chocolates
I am: a writer
I am not: a fighter
But I want to be: an author!
And I wish I could be: a competent office administrator.
3175. What is the highest achivement anyone could ever achieve in this department?
spiritual: Err...have a vision from God and follow it to do good in the world
physical: Well, Osain Bolt is a good example.
emotional: I dunno...never thought about it.
with their humanity: be like Ghandi or Mother Teresa, help others throughout the world.
3176. Can you give step by step instructioons on how to think deeply?
Er no.
3177. Did you ever see the Wizard of Oz with the sound all the way down while listening to pink Floyd's The Wall?
I vaguely recall something about that...but nope.
If yes, did you see what everyone says goes on when you do that?
3178. Let's say you were writing an application for potential new friends.
What three questions would you ask (and what would you want the answers to be)?
I'm not gonna give a survey to find friends, geeze - I'm not a lame ass (also I can't think of any right now.
3179. Which two words of the following words goes together the best and why:
mullet, brocollii, community, blue, phosphor, hammer, ocean, hand:
Hmmm...blue and ocean I'd say - and isn't that just the boring answer.
3180. Are you dyslexic?
No, but I seem to be a bit number dyslexic because I sometimes mess up 9 and 6 and 2 and 5.
3182. Are you overwhelmed?
Not at the moment.
By what?
Often I'm not sure, which is very annoying.
3183. 'My natural elasticity was crushed.'
What does that mean?
I was exhausted or something, I guess.
3184. What is humanity evolving towards, do you think?
Shrug? Space Travel and such I guess.
3185. Are you good at cracking codes? syre
,t y dsud yp Ftoml upit ,o;l
I'll give you a hint. Y really means T.
Err no.
3186. How many holes do you have in your body (ex. mouth)?
That question has the potential for so much dirtiness...Let's just say I have no peircings (as I may have a genetic condition that causes excessive scarring - my mother doesn't have piercing either).
3187. Now there are ads on taxi cab hubcaps. Is there ANY free space LEFT to put more ads onto taxis???
Really, haven't seen that...creepy.
3188. What's the worst place to have a scab?
Probably on the corner of your mouth because that takes forever to heal (I had a cold sore once and it suuucked!)
3189. Do you pick your scabs?
3190. Who's goin' chicken huntin'?
Not me, no chickens here.
3191. post 'it' note
what does 'it' stand for?
The note itself...although that would make it kinda like ATM machine wouldn't it...Perhaps the content of the note.
3192. What is a tragedy?
Lots of stuff, the latest being the plane crash in Spain - did you hear the really disturbing story of the man who wanted to get off the plane but wasn't allowed to? Cripes, when the plane came down that guy must have been doubly terrified.
3193. Where is guam?
It's an island...somewhere in the Pacific, I'm not quite sure where.
3194. Are you bubbly?
I've been described as such.
Do you drink bubbly?
No, hate alcohol.
3195. Do you have caller ID?
No, not even on my mobile anymore, which is very irritating because I never know who it is, even if their number is programmed into my phone. What's with that?
If you do then do you only answer the phone after looking at it?
3196. Bewitched or Jeannie?
Eh, never really cared for either, although I have enjoyed Jeanie when I've seen part of it.
3197. When will you be able to just do what you want to?
Dunno, when I'm retired probably.
3198. How do people live with the fact that their time is short and priceless yet they get paid too little to waste too much of it?
I don't know...I get paid very well, so I'm not one of them, although I do find work boring at times.
3199. OOGA! Make your best cave-pperson sound!
3200. Who tells better gossip, your best friend or your answering machine?
My best friend, because I hardly ever get answering machine messages.
This man asks "Why do people wear hats", I think he means the symbolic sort of hat, because in general, people wear hats to keep the sun off their heads...they're also cool.
And that's all I have to say about today - work calls tomorrow so to bed I go.
Reach for the laser with
Antic's Sims-ulator!