5:52pm: Today has really sucked, not because of work, but because my digestive systems for reasons unknown is having a complete fit. There's aching, there's gashing of teeth, there's lack of appetite, there's pain! It's totally fucked up, I'm wondering if I should go down to the Medical Centre again and ask what to do because once again the stomach cramp medicine I have isn't working. I realised today that every time I've tried a new type it's worked for a while and then has either slowly dimmished in its ability to provide relief or just stopped working outright. That doesn't sound normal...I mean what sort of digestive system develops an immunity like this, that ain't right.
It also makes it hard as Hell to concentrate at work what with the pain and all and general nauseous feeling etc. Fuck that, digestive system stop being a complete asshole.
In better news, Australia has won 3 Gold Medals today and we are now 3rd on the Medal Tally, how cool is that? Right behind China with a billion people and the US with...however many they got vs us and our 22 million. I think there's a city in China with as many people in it as our entire country! Cop that!
Although apparently Great Britian is doing really well this Games, they seem to have pulled that out of their butts, but as it turns out they've been spending a HEAP of money, probably because of 2012 Games in London.
Gawd, my guts...the humanity!
In attempt to distract myself here's a meme I got from
kawaiispinel Name any character from any of my fandoms and I'll tell you...
(a) three facts about them from my personal canon/fanon
(b) a reason he/she sucks
(c) a reason he/she is awesome
(d) five things that never happened to that character and/or
(e) five people that character never fell in love with and why
Manic Monday
Is there something you’ve dreamed of doing for a long time? Why haven’t you done it?
Going to New York! I've been wanting to do that since like 1998 or something, I even saved up for it during my gap year between High School and Uni, but I'm an anxious person (no duh) and was worried about going by myself, but I can never find anyone to go with sooo...10 years later and I still haven't gone. Bummer.
If you could make any fictional character come to life, which one would it be?
Well...I'd say George McFly, but without Lorraine he'd be quite heartbroken. Still it would be cool to hang out and everything. Actually all my favourite fictional characters have friends and soulmates they'd hate to leave behind so...yeah.
If you could have a $10,000 shopping spree to one store, which store would it be and how long would it take you to spend the $10,000?
Wow...I dunno, I really don't have room for anymore stuff, honestly. Does Kennards (the storage company) count 'cause then I'd have somewhere to store stuff while I'm deciding what to keep and what to throw out, LOL.
Name three things you wanted as a child but never got.
Uh...I dunno...Never really thought about it. The only thing I can think of right now is a digestive system that works! (It started screwing me over when I was 11.)
Monday's A Bitch
Random Joy
1. Have you ever read a self-help book and if so was it useful to you?
I've read a few, mostly about anxiety disorder or IBS, they've kinda helped...well the anxiety ones, the IBS ones don't seem to have worked worth a damn.
2. If you could have one thing made out of pure gold,what would you choose?
Wow...I guess, a pure cold pacer so I could write with a gold pencil, that'd be neat, but I could never take it out because I might lose it!
3. What one word do you overuse the most?
At work "assume"...which ain't good.
Elsewhere. "Owwwww!"
4. Who is the least charming person you have ever met?
My shitty boss from the Newsagency, what an asshole, that guy needs a punch in the face.
5. What article of clothing that you either gave or threw away do you wish you could have back?
Sniff, my orginal purple shaded jumper (sweater), alas it shrank so I couldn't really have it back unless it was the original size otherwise I'd look like an idiot.
And I was reminded the other day that I never did finish that 5000 question survey, sooo
3101. Would it bother you if your priest, rabbii or other religious leader (teacher if you are not religious) started wearing a plain black mask all the time?
Er...that's pretty dodgy sounding...but I guess it would depend why, if he has a facial condition or something, well that's sad. But if it's some sort of devil-worship, racist thing going on I'm outta there.
If yes, why?
Well, it's a weird thing to do if you don't have a reason wouldn't you say?
3102. Where do you look for the answers?
Often in the wrong place it seems. :OP
3103. If you are driving and someone honks at you does it ruin your whole day?
Nah, although I do wonder why they've done it most of the time! I'm not doing anything wrong, I swear!
3104. If you are driving and you get angry at another driver do you
yell at them through their and your closed window?
open the window and yell at them?
throw things at them?
stop the car and start a fight with them?
do something else?
I give 'em the finger, but not so they can see it, LOL.
3105. I'm in the right lane on the parkway. There is an exit only lane on my right. A car pulls out from behind the pack into the "exit only" lane. When that car gets to the exit, he is right in front of me... only one lane to the right of me. Instead of exiting the parkway, he throws up his hands as he slides in front of me. I think this is funny and toot again. He throws up his hands again. I do this about three more times and each time I toot he throws his hands in the air. Then my exit comes up and I have to get off. From the time he got in front of me until I got off the parkway we drove approx. 20 feet. What you think about this situation?
Huh...I'm just confused by that whole thing, I probably would have pulled over because that's just weird, and I wouldn't want to get into an accident, that guys acting crazy.
3106. Do you live in reality or in your 'own little world'?
My own little world of course! I'm so much happier here :OP
Which one is better?
See above.
3107. Who's your favorite soprano?
You mean from the show I assume? Rather than you know, a singer. I don't know either of them well so no comment.
3108. Why is there porn geared towards straight men, gay men, lesbians but none really geared towards straight woman?
Dunno...although aren't romance novels supposed to be 'porn' for straight women?
3109. Is there more to being human than chemicals and impulses?
Well, duh, of course! We've got personality and souls, man.
3110. What if all the boys in jail could get out now together?
Err? What? Is that a band or something? I imagine if every boy in jail gets out at the same time, we'll be pretty screwed.
3111. If your shoes could talk what would they say?
Er...get another pair would ya, you wear us pratically every day, damnit!
3112. How many windows are in your house?
It's not really a window, it's a sliding glass door, I live in a studio.
3113. Did you walk around your house and count them all?
I'm not at my apartment, I'm at my parents' house because of the stomach pain.
If not what did you do?
Well, there's only one window/door it wasn't that hard to remember.
3114. Do you think people store memories as pictures or words?
I dunno...with me it's kinda a mix of both.
3115. If you got sent to jail who would your one phone call be to?
My parents, save me!
3116. Pick a movie you have seen:
Back to the Future
Give a 2 sentence review about it using the word 'go':
Go and see it! It's got everything, comedy, drama, friendship, family, romance.
3117. Pick a song you like:
Owner of a Lonely Heart by ????
Give a 2 sentence review of it useing the word 'come':
Come and give it a listen. It's a pretty good song, though I'm not quite sure what it's about.
3118. Pick a person you like:
docsgirl Give a two sentence description of them using the word 'lunchbox':
Good fanfic writer, good instant message writer. If she had a lunchbox it would certainly have a picture of Doc on it!
3119. What do these 3 words have in common: hippo, camp, us?
Well, if you string them together it describes a part of the brain.
3120. If you could save time in a bottle, the first thing that you'd like to do is..
Just relax and what not, time is going too fast, stop the world I want to get off!
3121. Who is the most powerful person in the world that you can think of?
Errr...the Russian President, Valdmir Putain.
3122. If you were designing a mini-golf hole what would it be like?
Just the hole, LOL there's not many options for that is there..you mean a course. I'd have it BTTF themed, with Biff's car crashed into a manure truck as the centre peice. You have to get the ball under his car and into the hole.
3123. Why do you think certain people become targets for teasing in school or exclusion at work?
Beats me, I'm one of them! I'm a littls strange, but I don't think I'm that strange.
3124. Why, in essays, is the word 'I' not allowed to be used when it is our own PERSONAL thoughts being expressed?
It depends on the essay I'd think, I mean most essays I've had to write haven't been personal opinions so much as what my research has found, so it wouldn't really be appropriate.
3125. What song would you like your doorbell to play?
The BTTF Theme, LOL!
3126. Would you rather watch MTV or play GO FISH?
Go Fish!
3127. What is an itch?
Annoying as anything.
3128. Why did the holocaust happen?
Because Hitler was a sick son of a bitch and the German people thoroughly embarrassed by what happened after WWI allowed it to happen, swayed by Hitler's promise that German would be a great and respected country again.
3129. Would you be capable of torturing another person?
Fuck, I hope not, that would be very disturbing...
3130. How did Hitler's army do this and still believe they were good people?
Uh...I dunno honestly, I guess they convinced themselves the Jews weren't worthy of being considered as people.
3131. Do you like poetry to rhyme?
Yes, otherwise I don't know how to read it properly.
3132. Does 'jewish' describe a race or a religion?
I'd consider it a religion, but it is considered a race by the UN I think.
3133. How tall are you?
1.64 metres.
3134. If Hitler was capable of such cruelty to others, and he is human, does that mean that all humans are capable of this cruelty?
Back to Hitler again? I'd say he was capable of it only because he was a pyschopath with no conscience. To be capable of what he did, you'd have to be a pyschopath, which fortunately not many people are.
3135. How long have you ever gone without sleep?
Not too long, probably like 23 hours once after reading the prologue of Jaws, damn that scared me.
3136. Is a mouse a miracle?3137. There are alcoholics, chocoholics, shoppoholics, practically anything can be an 'oholic. What's your 'oholic?
3138. Does heaven have a phone number?
Don't think so.
If it did would you call?
Yes, definitely!
Who would you ask to speak to?
Well, my grandmother first off.
What would you say?
"Hi, Grandma! I love you and I hope you're watching over us.
3139. Fortune time!!
1,2, 3, or 4? 4
if 1: 5, or 6?
if 2: 7 or 8?
if 3: 9 or 10?
if 4 11 or 12? 12
Now pick a letter between A and G: G
if A: 13 or 14?
if B: 15 or 16?
if C or D: 17 or 18?
if E: 19 or 20?
if F: 21 or 22?
if G: 22 or 23? 22
you should now have two numbers. look at both numbers below and combine the sayings to get a fortune.
5: you are a very loving person
6: you will become very rich
7: you are too hard on yourself
8: cats will bring you bad luck
9: gremlins will eat all your cheese
10: you are going on a trip
11: someone you don't know will be watching you
12: you will get what you want
13. and your life will be filled with romance
14. but you will fall in love with a babboon
15. and salt is lucky for you
16. or you will inherit a cough medicine factory
17. and you will not come back
18. and you will lose the remote
19. or your favorite team will win
20. and you were born under a lucky star
21. but the next person who leave you a note is attracted to you
22. and you will have a stalker soon
23. or your best friend will take you to a movie
Well shit that's a bit of a trade-off isn't it...
3140. Do you vote?
Here in Australia you've got to, but even if it wasn't required I would because that's important!
3141. Are you always honest with yourself?
Uh...I dunno...I guess not always.
Were you honest when you answered that question?
LOL, yes.
3142. What kinds of diary names or entry titles make you specifically NOT want to read that diary?
There will be blood
Roadkill I found today
3142. Is writing an online diary more about being honest about yourself or entertaining your readers?
Umm...both, I just write whatever comes to mind.
3143. What are you the last of?
Person answering these survey questions I'd say.
3144. Who do you really appreciate and what have you done lately to show that you appreciate them?
My parents! And I've been showing I appreciate them by not hanging out at their house all the time...ahem today notwithstanding.
3145. When people do good deeds are they really doing them because they are a good person or because they want to feel like a good person? Or both?
Both, no-one's complete altruistic, but I think a lot of them people really do want to help others as much as feel good about themselves.
3146. Somewhere far back in the survey I asked if Bill Gates or Mother Thereasa was more successful. The most popular answer I have seen is 'it depends on how you define success'. Well, this survey is about YOU isn't it?
So how do YOU define success?
Being happy with who you are and what you've done.
3147. Are people making up reality as they go along?
Well, for themselves yeah...
3148. You may need a calculator for this one. Think of your weight. Divide it by 2.2
multiply the answer by .8
What do you get?
Using 53 kgs, I get 192.74
That is how many grams of protein you need to eat every day to stay healthy. Do you think you eat enough?
Really...geeze, I'm not sure...
3149. What is your feeling about Republicans?
Well I don't know all of them so I don't really have an opinion.
3150. What do you need to do?
Concentrate at work more.
What do you need to stop doing?
Letting anxiety get to me.
Well...stomach is slightly better and it's kinda too late to go to the doctors anyway, but I'm thinking if it's still as bad as it was today I might go tomorrow morning and be late to work because seriously I'm no good to anyone otherwise.
And that's all I have to say about that.
Reach for the laser with
Antic's Sims-ulator!