Ok went and saw play, it wasn't bad, but I didn't find it as humerous as other people did, also it was sometimes hard to understand what the actors were saying. But they were all great singers, which, seeing as it was a musical is a very good thing. ;O)
The only problem, I didn't get any dinner, so now I'm rather hungry even though I had some of the salad Dad made for dinner (I think it's got dressing or something on it, ick!), but I shall survive...although it's just occurred to me that we don't have anything to eat for breakfast! Well, no toast anyway, I guess I'll just grab me some Maccas tomorrow.
Anyways, I shold be in bed now, so here's
Tell us what creeps you out....
1. Animal (Did you see those new baby pandas? Kinda creepy!)
Do ants count as animals? Because they give me the heebee-jeebees! I've got a phobia of ants, no kidding! It's really quite disturbing.
2. Book
Jaws I didn't even get past the prologue, and even then I couldn't sleep most of the night I was so terrifed by it. Thanks a lot...er...whoever wrote it. {:Oo
3. Film
Dream Catcher or whatever it was called, based on the Stephen King book, that was something I didn't want nor needed to see...
4. Family Member
Now, now, I don't find any family member creepy, they're a fine bunch of people. :O)
5. Co-worker (past or present, including bosses & maintenance workers)
The Boss's son at Forum Newsagency where I worked from 20032-2004, that guy gave me the creeps, especially since his pants were so ill fitting and it was a total bitch trying to work with that guy looking over your shoulder.
6. Food (Pears creep my husband out.... ??????)
Quiche or tuna, both look like vomit and neither smell too appealing. }:OP
7. Computer-related game, software, image, operating system, hardware bit, video, etc.
Hmmm...I always found Wolfenstine 3D (precursor to Doom and makes me feel old! :OP), especially when those German Shepards would burst into the room barking nd slobbering...
8. Culture or Cultural practice (Remember - I'm not asking you to rag on a culture, but most people would agree cannibalism is a little creepy)
Chinese foot binding, or the culture in Africa that puts bones through their noses, it just looks SOOO hideously painful. :Oo
Saturday Six (It's back, apparently it never left, hmmm, will have to look into it later.)
1. What is your current desktop picture? What made you select it?
Apartment: Lovely wallpaper of the Concorde, ahhh I always wanted to go on one of those...alas now I will just have to content myself with visiting one of them in the New York Museum.
Parentals: Picture dedicated to Pope John Paul II, 'cause I admired the guy and wanted to visit the Vatican...but alas...not to be.
2. A close friend who you consider to be up to date on fashion suggests that you should update your look and offers to pay for a session with an experienced hairstylist you've never dealt with before. Knowing that it's free, would you go?
Hmmm....a free haircut...I could really use that, but I don't want short hair and I know that that's big at the moment, so I might have to pass that one up. Hopefully I could talk 'em into buying me new shoes. :O)
3. When you do look in a mirror, what is the first thing you usually look at?
My glasses, or my mouth, probably the latter since I like to know if I'm smiling or my mouth is hanging open or something.
4. Take this
quiz: Which Bugs Bunny character are you?
Bugs Bunny!
You scored 42 Aggression, 71 Sophistication, and 57 Optimism!
You have all the sophistication and charm one would expect from such a
high-class hare. Very upbeat and generally laid-back, you are
remarkably calm and peaceful even in the midst of the most stressful of
situations. On those rare occasions that your anger is aroused, your
retaliation usually results in embarrassing the aggressor and
laying-bare how foolish he or she really is -- rather than doing any
real harm. You likely have many friends and more than a few admirers
and would make an excellent leader, if you had any interest in being
one. But, being a leader would require hard work and attention to
detail, both qualities you are lacking in. In fact, if you are not
careful, your laid-back attitude will often lead you to drift through
life completely oblivious to the changes happening around you. You also
tend to have a horrible sense of direction.
My test tracked 3 variables How you compared to other people your age and gender:
You scored higher than 25% on Aggression
You scored higher than 52% on Sophistication
You scored higher than 31% on Optimism
The Which Looney Tune Are You Test written by
coolguy3000 on
Ok Cupid Bugs Bunny?! No way! Way...hmmm...intriguing, I've always liked Daffy the best. :O)
5. What label seems to describe you the best as a whole?
At the moment: Fan Girl! :OP
On the whole: Writer
6. READER'S CHOICE QUESTION #60 from Stacy: Is there a specific person that you credit with your successes? and HOW did they help you?
Err...not really, as I haven't actually had much success...but I graduated High School and stuff...so I guess I'd say my parents, they've always backed me up and helped me out, thanks guys! :OD
Unconcious Mutterings
I say ... and you think ... ?
1. Girlfriends:: Err...my friends who are girls.
2. Here to stay:: Rock and Roll is here to stay! it's a song, on the Grease soundtrack.
3. Call me:: Also a song, I think it goes Call me, all right, call me, call me any, any time... and so on.
4. Frustrated:: When you're running late and getting all the red lights, aaaaieee!
5. Public school: "A prayer...a prayer in a public school! God has no place within these walls..." -Superintendant Chalmers.
6. Glitch:: Computer screen going screwey (knock on wood!)
7. Cheese:: "Chee-ee-eese!" Remember that show Chip 'n' Dale: Rescue Rangers and that fat mouse called Monty who'd go nuts over cheese? That's me in spades!
8. Director:: "I hate this new Director's Cut"-Homer.
9. Pivotal:: Event.
10. Exclusive:: Exclusive interview
Monday Madness
More Potpourri!
1. Do you own a dishwasher (and if not, do you even want one), or do you have to do your dishes by hand?
Apartment: No, and it's a total bitch! Whenever I see some lucky bastard winning a counter top one on Temptation I wish it was me! Washing by hand is a pain.
Parentals: Yes, it used to be my job to unpack it, which I didint' much care for, but it's much better than washing by hand! Sometimes we do wash things by hand here, I just avoid it. :OP
2. Do you put your dishes away immediately after washing them?
Apartment:Nah...can't be assed.
Parentals: Not unless my parents get on my back too.
3. In the warm weather, do you like hanging your laundry out on the clothesline to dry, or do you prefer a dryer?
Apartment: Usually hang 'em on the clothes horse thing, since our apartment is very warm and stuff always seems to dry. But if I need it quick I'll shove in the dryer, which doesn't always help.
Parentals: Generally the same deal, although we hang them on coathangers from the shower rail.
4. How many loads of laundry are done in your household each week?
Apartment: Two or so (can't wash the darks and whites together anymore...my poor socks!
Parentals: Heaps!
5. Do you own a pet? If so, do you buy them presents for holidays? Do you consider your pet(s) spoiled? If you don't own one, do you think you will one day?
Not me personally, not since dear Frankie...who I often forgot to feed, thank God for my parents, so I probably won't be getting me another pet. Mum spoiled Max and our new dog, Roxy...hmpf!
6. It's Friday evening and you're planning your weekend. What's on your agenda?
Eh...whatever, I suck at planning in general, unless someone comes up with something, I'll generally just laze about, except for Church on Saturday evening.
Oh shit! It's past 12.30am! I'm an ijiot! Right to bed with me! Good night all.
Reach for the laser with
Antic's Sims-ulator!