
Sep 26, 2024 22:36

10:17pm: The good news, I survived the training

Bad news, I have a sore throat and I'm not sure if it's the suddenly cold weather (it was more than 10 degrees C colder today than yesterday!), or from swallowing food in a kind of weird way or if (knock on wood) I'm getting a cold or something. I sure as Hell hope it isn't the latter, because I'd hate to miss work tomorrow, there's still so many boxes to open and books to quality check!

In other news, I'm a bit worried about the left side hinge of my laptop again...a few months ago, it was all loose and I ended up taking it to the computer shop across the road where it turned out that most of the screws of the back panel had fallen out. Once the guy at shop replaced them the left hinge was no longer loose.

But now it is again, except checking the bottom panel of the laptop reveals that the screws are still there, so I have no idea what's causing it...actually no I do, the left side back of the laptop seems to be gaping - not so much that you can see what's inside or anything, but if I press it the hinge goes back into it's normal position. As I said though, I'm not sure why it's gaping because all the screws are in. I wonder if I should take it back to the shop...I suppose I have to, although it does cost 50 buck to get it looked at.

I just took a quick look at the bottom of the laptop again and I'm wondering if maybe one of the screw holes has had it's thread stripped...not sure how that can be fixed though. Maybe I'll just have to put some paper in between the bottom of the laptop screen to hold it up like a chock.

Dang, I say.

Anywho, in light of possibly having a virus, I should get my butt to bed so I can have a proper amount of sleep. Fingers and toes crossed that my throat will be OK tomorrow.

Good night!










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laptop, library, work related, health worries

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