My Time Keeping Remains Suspect

Sep 24, 2024 23:44

11:31pm: Case in point it's 11:30pm right now and I'm only just starting this entry, whoops!

Anyway, let's keep it quick, work today went pretty well, although a colleague and me got stuck on the desk longer than planned because the rest of the library staff were in this meeting to discuss the future of libraries in general. Luckily it was pretty quiet in the library so it wasn't like we were run off our feet or anything.

However, we did get another box delivery, fortunately it wasn't too big, but we still haven't actually opened Friday's delivery yet, so yeah... better keep on top of that!

After work I went to the gym, which went well, although I'm still struggling a bit with some of the exercises my physio gave me, but I guess that's the point. It does seem to working though, so yay!

Then once home, rather than writing McFly July prompts I got sucked into Sims 4 again (Sims 3 well be disappointed with me :OP), but exciting things are afoot! Lady and her long lost gardener Shea got married! :OD I'm going through this rather more quickly than James did in the original, probably should have waited until Lady was actually rich before she got married, but shrug. :OP

OK, so I better be off, I've been dillydallying waaaay too much in the morning's and it's resulted in me missing the last bus before 9am, which means I get to work almost half an hour late O.o that won't do at all!

(Aw crap, I just realised I forgot to wish a Facebook friend a Happy Birthday, whoops... and also to respond to my mother about the Japan trip...)

Anyway, goodnight!








Sims 4

Reach for the laser with Antic's Sims-ulator!

short entry syndrome, library, sims 4, work related

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