Apartment Status: Clean - Sleep Status: Lacking

Sep 05, 2024 23:31

11:02pm: And dang it, if I'm not improving the last bit there because it's 11pm and I'm just updating this!

Anyway, the good news is the first part of the subject title here is true too! My apartment was clean enough to pass muster with the parental units! Although, maybe they were just being polite, LOL. But hey I also went and bought the pizza and provided mini-Magnum ice creams for dessert. :O)

So yes, a good time was had by all, and the little bro came through getting Mum a present and a card - which totally slipped my mind, so that was well done by him, since Mum only mentioned recently that she enjoys getting a card at least.

OK, so this entry is looking pretty short, but an interesting thing happened today in the Inter Library Loans, a library requested a book that was out on loan to someone and I was about to mark the request as non-supply when I realised...the person who had the book on loan was me! XD So I said I'd supply it and figured I'd just borrow it when it comes back, buuut, it's a short book or at least shorter than the other books I have have on my to read pile, so I'm reading it in the hope I can finish it.

However, I do have to do my Duolingo, and as mentioned it's after 11pm so I should have my butt in bed and I'm not quite halfway through it, ah well, I could maybe just wait for Monday, it's not like the requesting library would know :OP

Anyway, on that note I better head off, although they're at the pointy end of the Mixed Recurve Open at the Paralympics, but I don't think the gold medal match will happen before midnight, I guess I'll have to catch up on that tomorrow. We did have an Aussie team in the competition actually, but we got knocked out in 1/8 round, rather disappointingly since we were in a good position!

I've also just realised that the this week's Junior GP in Figure Skating is probably on, ah well, you can't watch everything.

So on that note, I'm off!

Goodnight all!









Parental Approval

Reach for the laser with Antic's Sims-ulator!

lack o' sleep, library, work related, parentals, paralympic games, birthdays, little bro, archery

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