11:03pm: Alas, yes, it's back again, I think it must be my lack of sleep, which means updating this at past 11pm is a poor idea, LOL. Although it is Friday, so at least I don't have to wake up early tomorrow.
So...I thought I had something to say about today, but I honestly can't recall what it could be right now... Oh wait, there was a huge worldwide crash of computers this afternoon (Aussie time). Apparently, and somewhat ironically the software that many computers use for security purposes had a bad update or something and made pretty much every computer that has said software crash. Fortunately, the circulation computers in the library restarted OK, but the public PCs were down for the count, also my computer didn't restart, which was a relief because I had a document on there that I hadn't saved!
Oh yeah, I just remembered what I was gonna bitch about in this entry, apart from the headache, I think I burnt my lip on my hot chocolate this morning...there's like a red spot on it and when I smile it rather hurts. Which certainly sucks...although mouth injuries are known for healing quickly, so I'm hopeful I"ll be good for tomorrow.
And finally before the meme, they finally opened the fruit and vegetable supermarket at the Mall, gotta say I'm surprised! I kid you not, it's been like three years since the old fruit and vegetable supermarket closed down just before COVID. Of interest there's a special donut shop in there! I haven't actually heard of it before it's called L.A Donuts, but it's based in Australia not the US. Anywho, I decided to partake in one today, I got a chocolate iced glazed one, it was quite large and I figured I'd have like half at work and bring the rest home, but nope...ate the whole thing, LOL. To quote the great Homer Simpson "Mmmm...donuts".
Now, the Meme!
The Friday Five
22/03/24 1. What is your native language?> English
2. Do you speak any other languages? Which ones? Nay, I'm trying to pick up a bit of Russian and Japanese via Duolingo, but it's slow going at best.
3. How difficult is it for you to learn or understand new languages? Supremely. This is an Aussie problem, we didn't even start learning a different language until Year 6, i.e age 12, a bit too late. I mean, obviously other Aussies have learnt to speak another language, my mother can speak French and my brother Japanese, but alas I did not.
4. If you were going to study a new foreign language, which would you want to learn? Well, I'm already working on two! But if I had to change another, I suppose Italian.
5. How are you at reading subtitles in foreign films? Quite well! Except for this one time they picked the wrong colour and it was almost impossible to read, LOL.
OK, goodnight!
Reach for the laser with
Antic's Sims-ulator!