Keep on Train-ing

Jul 15, 2024 22:57

10:13pm: So this morning I headed back to Sydney and work on the train from Wollongong. Not gonna lie I was super nervous when I got on the train, but I listened to my anti-panic audio which helped out.

However, my stomach has been super irritated the whole day, which sucked, not sure if it was from the nervousness or the fact I didn't have breakfast until much later than usual because my parents actually don't eat breakfast these days and the hotel's restaurant isn't open on Monday mornings. could be from that time o' the month being a week away. Or at least that's what my app says...which is confusing because I thought it was due during the Fiji trip. If it's not though, that's a relief!

I do wonder if I should take some Buscopan...although I will be going to bed soon so I'll probably feel better tomorrow.

Although, I should have taken it earlier because it was being rather painful during the Performance Review at work (boooo!) On the plus side the review went well, go me!

Which reminds me...I keep forgetting to arrange Trivia Night, which happens on Tuesday, I could have asked today, but it's probably too short a notice. I guess I could suggest next Tuesday, but after that we'll have to wait until August when I get back. I'll do that though, because Trivia is fun!

In other news, we've started a new 4 week roster at work, previously we in the Collections team had did two weekend shifts every six weeks, but now we only have to do one every four weeks. For some reason I thought my shift would be this Saturday, but it turns out it's actually next Saturday. Which makes me wonder if I should re-arrange the day my friends and I are seeing Inside Out 2, but nah, Sunday's better. Of course, now that I'm not working on Saturday I should probably get my hair cut... Mum wants me to get a keratin treatment so my hair stays straight and shiny. It does indeed make my hair look nice, however it takes - I shit you not - FIVE AND A HALF hours...not to mention the fumes, which last time made my eyes burn pretty bad.

So yeaaaah...

Anywho, it's after 10:30 now so I should wrap this up...before I go...

The Friday Five


These questions were written by Dreamwidth user ysabetwordsmith.

1) What are your five favorite birds?

Canaries (aww Frankie)
Cockatoos (there was a whole lot of them on the hotel balcony this morning)

Can't say I've actually thought much about birds outside of those three LOL.

2) What are your five favorite pet-type animals?

Sausage dogs
Betta fish

3) What are your five favorite wild animals that live in your locale?

Well, I live in the city, but if we're talking Australia in general


4) What are your five favorite zoo animals that you always want to visit?


5) What are your five favorite cryptids that may or may not be extinct, may or may not exist in this world?

Uhh, hmmm...

Big Foot

LOL that was an interesting one :OP

Righto, off I go, goodnight all!










Reach for the laser with Antic's Sims-ulator!

hair, friends, stomach, annoying shit, memes, work related, friday five, train-ing

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