There is much wailing and gnashing of teeth

Oct 06, 2022 12:55

12:31pm: I am unwell, I seem to have a stomach bug, the consequences of which have been most unpleasant so far. Luckily (knock-on-wood) not throwing up related, but definitely digestive related. My poor lower abdomen is very sore indeed, alas Buscopan has done little to ease the ache not to mention the rest of my person has started to hurt - like my shoulders and upper back are sore - what's up with that? So I took some ibuprofen which I think is kicking in.

Do I dare mention the most unpleasant of the unpleasantness? Let's just say it's bathroom related and leave it at that.

Suffice to say despite a lack of people at work (it seems half of us decided to take this week off), I called in sick because of the bathroom related issues. I totally can't remember if I was on the desk today... hopefully not? I just went and checked... thankfully only one hour this morning. Downside is I'm on 2 hours tomorrow...should I go in. I kinda hope I can because otherwise that means I'm still sick and it suuuucks.

God damn, stomach bugs suck even harder than cold bugs, why do you have to be this way, evolution?

Oh well, I suppose I shouldn't dwell on it, I should read my book or sleep or something.











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sick, stomach, work related, aches and pains

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