Workin' Workin' For The Man

May 31, 2018 22:58

10:35pm: Yes indeed, although that's not really why I haven't been updating - that's due to the fact I don't actually have anything interesting to say, LOL fail.

But it has been a very busy week! Not sure if I've mentioned it in a previous entry - since they're so far apart now a days - but I was asked by the Home Library Service Co-ordinator over at Dee Why to help with selections, which I do as a volunteer, but this time I get paid whoo! The reason for this is that the new HLS Officer is on holidays at the moment, plus the new library management system is being loaded up so assistance is needed.

That means for this week and next week, I've got a four hour shift on Monday, Wednesday and Friday. Although I'd originally planned to in the afternoons, I've had to change that for Fridays, because I kind of forgot about them and agreed to do afternoon shifts at Mona Vale instead. Which means tomorrow I'll be working - for the first time in aaages - an actual full day. But it'll be two different locations that makes it a bit different. Plus I'll be using public transport because it's next to impossible to get a parking spot in either place these days, in fact I managed to get myself a parking ticket (ugh yes I know another one! I got one just last month at Mona Vale!) on Wednesday, so yeah. This means I'll have an hour in between shifts to get from one place to another, wish me luck!

In other news, Mrs S is back, but my hours have been cut right back, I now do only one day a week, which isn't so bad with all the extra shifts at the library - which with any luck will continue because there's so many people coming and going. Plus there's always the chance one of the jobs I went for will pan out, last week I went to one for a Librarian, which is was a bit nerve wracking, although it included a position that's full-time so...

What else to report, well, I bought more Pusheen goods because I'm weak and have a problem. :OP But that cat is just too cute! But I've probably got enough now...I've got a large Pusheen plush coming my way - not the jumbo sized one, but it's still pretty good! I shall post pics of all my goodies once she arrives. I also got a Pusheen cross-stitch kit, not sure when that'll show up.

Lastly, but far from least there's been a lot of hazard reduction burning in the area lately (where they burn parts of bushland so if there's a fire in the summertime it won't be so bad - hopefully) which has lead to a lot of nose issues. I keep worrying I'm getting a cold, but knock on wood, it seems it's mostly allergies. Still bloody annoying.

Anywho, I better wrap this up since I need to head to bed so I'll be bright and refreshed for tomorrow.

Goodnight all!










Reach for the laser with Antic's Sims-ulator!

buses, annoying shit, pusheen, mrs s, job hunt: library, nose

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