10:56pm: Well, I didn't get to updating this yesterday, but let me just announce...
Roger Federer is the GOAT! He won his 8th Wimbledon Title on Sunday and is the BOOSSSS of tennis! What a guy! You gotta love him! :OD
And apparently he plans to come back to Wimbledon next year! We'll have to see though. :O)
Moving along, I ended up staying over at the parental abode last night as well, because Mum and I watch Have You Been Paying Attention?, such hilarious times! Although I realised I left my cupcake tray behind, whoops. I'm sure Mum will bring it over tomorrow since she'll be coming over after Scripture Class, which means I need to clean this place up. I've been working on it...slowly, but I'm really going to need to pull my finger out after finishing work with Mrs. S.
What else to report? Nothing much, worked at the library this afternoon, it was kind of boring because they had Duke of Edinburg students volunteering, which means they did the shelving rather than me. Also, I was so close to finishing the book I've been reading, which I borrowed from there and was hoping to return, I've finished it now, but I don't if I should go return it tomorrow since I need to go to the supermarket, however as I said I need to clean my house!
I guess I don't need to return it, but I've had it out for quite a while and I feel rather bad for hogging it. But what can you do?
Right, I better wrap this up because I need to get ready for bed and do my Russian practice.
Wish me luck with my cleaning!
Goodnight all!
Reach for the laser with
Antic's Sims-ulator!