11:54pm: Right I've left this way too late to update, but just a few quick pieces of news for you all.
Firstly, after all that I found my activity tracker, the magnetic part of it had stuck to my keys and when I got up on Friday morning and actually focused on the hanging from the hook I saw it there! Phew! I also put in a new battery because the one it came with was definitely on the fritz. Although that still doesn't explain why the 'find tracker' thing in the app said it was in the city, seriously WTF?
Also, in regards to the subject heading the cement guys finally came by this morning to put in the new concrete. Luckily, the landlord had these planks behind his house which I'm using as a walk-way to my door. The new cement looks super nice, it's also much higher, almost the same level as inside the flat. Which makes me wonder if I should be worried if it rains? Won't water be able to seep inside much more easily? I sure hope not!
I didn't go ice skating this evening because a co-worker tipped me off that the outdoor ice skating rink is back in the city again! Sweeet! I'm planning to go on Tuesday this week, although it might have to be Thursday since I'm hanging out at M and Grandpa's on Tuesday, but then I'm going over Monday night so...I suppose I'd leave when M goes for her nap. Anyway the point is, I want to go at an off-peak time, it's cheaper then.
Anyway, it's almost midnight and I didn't get enough shut-eye last night so I gotta wrap this up...lack of sleep is making me feel uninspired to write and that ain't cool.
So now, bed is needed! Goodnight all!
Reach for the laser with
Antic's Sims-ulator!