11:15pm: I am not very pleased, my stomach has been most irritable today, I don't know why, maybe I didn't eat a proper breakfast because I was a lazy ass, that being the case, I suck.
So, I didn't end up going to the library today :O( or to the gym. Dang. I've arranged to go to the library tomorrow though so hopefully I'll feel better. Plus I've got work tomorrow!
Anyway, not much to report...I did head out with the intention of going to the library, but I turned around and went to Bunnings to look for a heater, but would you believe they were all out! Boo. Then I went to Vinnies to look for pinstripe pants (I tried another second hand shop, but no luck) but no luck there. Then I went to the two dollar shot to buy an art pad to try out with my Bamboo Spark - yeah I went and bought it again, LOL, it was at another Aldi though so it wasn't the same one. The art pad doesn't fit quite right though and I think the paper is too thick for the pen. Anyway, I figure that I'll draw something in pencil first so I can correct mistakes and then when finished, turn the Spark on and trace over it in pen thus making the outline appear on the app.
But yeah, it didn't quite work, there was some lines that didn't show up, but I'm not sure if that was the thickness of the paper or because I had didn't realise you can't upload a drawing in parts (or maybe you can but I did it wrong) so when I tried to see my progress I ended up splitting the drawing. Yeah, it's a bit complicated.
Anyway, I'm hoping to get the hang of it soon!
Now I must be off, I've got work tomorrow! I bid you all good night!
Reach for the laser with
Antic's Sims-ulator!