11:33pm: What went down today...my abdominal area has been painful for some days now and unfortunately it all decided to come to a head today while I was driving to work in the form of a full-on panic attack.
Suffice to say, it totally sucked, I ended up scratching myself up, pretty badly too, I don't know why I do that...but it's a terrible idea. :O( I need to put some antiseptic on it because it's looking pretty ugly.
I also ended up pulling over at a Nursing Home and going in there to ask if I could sit down for a while. Because I couldn't get into contact with Mum and was freaking out. Why a nursing home? Well, it was the only thing there aside from private residences and there's nurses in there? Fortunately, Mum rang me back (turns out she'd been a a training day but there was a ten minute break) so she managed to talk me through it and I got to work (I thought I was going to have call in sick at the last minute!).
Eventually my abdominal pain settled down, it's still a bit uncomfortable now but I don't know if that's from anxiety or what? Probably anxiety...I took Buscopan earlier on today and it didn't really seem to work so...
Also, my left eyelid keeps twitching, it's been doing that all week...which might be sleep related or stress related.
On the upside...tomorrow is my appointment with my pyschiatrist so I can bring up all this stuff. I hope he'll have good advice for me!
And now, I'm off.
Goodnight all!
Reach for the laser with
Antic's Sims-ulator!