11:38pm: I'm not sure I mentioned this in previous entries, maybe I did? But since last Friday my right thumb has been sore. Like whenever I bend it there's this sharp pain. I have no idea what I could have done to it...I can only assume some sort of sprain? Or tendonitis or something? I'm sure it can't be arthritis, although my father does have it in his thumbs...
So yeah, it's been going on since then and I'm starting to wonder if I should see a doctor about it...but I'm not sure if that would actually be beneficial, I mean what are they going to do? Perhaps I should try putting that anti-inflammatory gel I have, or put an ice pack on it or something? I guess if it's still sore by the end of the week I'll get it checked out.
In other news, still no bank card! I called my bank and discovered that despite what the person I spoke to last week said the card was sent to my old address in Newtown, well fuck. Sadly it was too late to try and get it from there, so a new card is being sent out. With any luck it'll take less time than the three to five business days estimate, or at the very least it gets here by Friday!
Anyway, I have to go, because I'm doing an extra day for Mrs S tomorrow so I need to keep up on my zzzs, although I have quite the problem, there's a hole in my work shorts! Shiiit, I'm gonna have to wear my other pair, although those are my good shorts. :O( Guess it can't be helped.
And on that note I shall be off!
Goodnight all!
Reach for the laser with
Antic's Sims-ulator!