11:55pm: This show I was watching just ended so suddenly I have to assume it was a two parter, because otherwise that was some crappy writing. It was called Suspects and was quite interesting I might have to check it out or at least find out if the episode really does have a second part, LOL.
Moving along, today was a very busy day! After checking my phone this morning at Mrs S I discovered that a stainless steel version of the kettle was available, just not at the Mall, apparently. There were some at Chatswood, but apparently Myer doesn't do transfers from one of their shops to another, you have to order them online and get them sent to you. But since I'd all ready bought the red kettle and would need to return it, it seemed to make more sense for me to go to the Chatswood shop and do the exchange there.
Mrs. S though, was of the opinion that a silver version could be lurking at the Warringah Mall shop, apparently the inventory on the cashiers' systems aren't all that. She's found products on the shelf there before despite being told their not in stock. So, we decided to go there once I finished up my carer/household duties. I went in my car and Mrs S took the bus and I only just arrived ten or so minutes before she did! LOL.
And as it happened, she was right! Or perhaps in an amazing coincidence the silver kettles had arrived the night before because not only did I manage to locate one, a model of it seemed to be on display. I swear it wasn't there yesterday! How bizarre.
So, I made a quick swap and then met up with Mrs S at another shop where she wanted to look at an air freshner thing, which she hoped was like a dehumidifyer but alas no, so that was a bust. However, she did manage to find her husband a birthday present, so that was good.
I meanwhile had no luck finding pinstripped pants, apparently they are out of fashion. This sucks! I actually looked on the internet to see if there were any, I must have put the wrong search term in or something because the closest I got was a pair of $6,500 ones from Calvin Klein (or someone like that)!
I did thought make some purchases of my own, some nuts for Dad, a new mobile phone holder for my car - one that sticks on the dash rather than grabs and scrapes up the air con vent and a second-hand Seasons 1 to 4 of Merlin. I totally forgot there was a Season 5! Ah well...Season 5 was well...disappointing on the whole I can buy that separately some other time.
After all that I went home for a bit before needing to go back out for Reconcillation at the church, that didn't take long, although it was a bit awkward when I came in and both priests were free! I wasn't sure which one to go to, LOL, I decided to go to the Parish Priest.
Anyway, I better wrap this up, I don't want to sleep in too much tomorrow because the last episode of the figure skating anime I've been watching will be waiting tomorrow morning to be viewed and I want to see what happens!
And lastly, Mrs S was nice enough to shout my lunch at the Mall, ha ha work benefits!
But for now, goodnight!
Reach for the laser with
Antic's Sims-ulator!