Oh Boo

Oct 21, 2016 23:12

10:39pm: So today was the interview and I have to say...I don't think I did so well. Obviously I didn't prepare enough for it, because they were the same sort of questions I've had at such interviews before, but that didn't stop me from basically "uming" and "uhing" my whole way through. They told me to expect an answer back in about two weeks, but like I said I don't hold out a lot of hope. Damn shame because it's actually a full-time job with weekday hours so I'd be like a proper employed person.

In other news before I headed out to the interview the landlord came by to give me a letter and check that the smoke alarm was working, which it was. I also showed him the dripping tap, but unfortunately it doesn't look like he's all that sure how to get the top of the taps off either. Damn, should have got that plumber in here after all.

Huh, interesting I'm watching a doco called Body Hack and have just found out that you don't even have to be French to get in the French Foreign Legion. Not that I'm going to join, I'd last approximately point one millisecond, meanwhile the guy doing the doco is like "I'm so old compared to these guys..." which he is, but damn doesn't mean he's not fit since he ends up surviving the course and would have made the legion!

Also, Duolingo is being a bit of a pain here, I'm not sure if it's due to my phone running out of space or the storm that's outside. Maybe a bit of both? Very annoying. Especially since I'm still trying to get to bed at 11:18pm as advised by my UP app.

And also, I was going to do some memes, but Friday5 doesn't seem to be working, but I guess I'll just do the other Friday Five.

The (Other) Friday Five


1.How old would you be if you didn’t know how old you are? Uh...like how old do I feel? I guess like 16? Which is like half my age which is kinda sad.

2.Which is worse, failing or never trying? Never trying I suppose, although failing sucks rather hard :OP

3.If life is so short, why do we do so many things we don’t like and like so many things we don’t do? Because you gotta eat, man and most people's dream jobs aren't really profitable.

4.When it’s all said and done, will you have said more than you’ve done? With how much I talk definitely the former!

5.What is the one thing you’d most like to change about the world? The inequality, it sucks that so little of us have so much. :O(


1.Do you believe in reincarnation? Nah.

2.Have you ever felt that you knew someone the first time you met them? Not that I recall.

3.Have you ever visited a foreign country or city for the first time and found that you knew exactly where things were? Pft, I barely know where things are in the place I live in all the damn time, so no.

4.Have you ever looked in the mirror and 'seen' a different face? Nope, although I have looked at photos of my niece and I think she looks a Hell of a lot like my mother's baby photos. Except...I don't remember seeing photos of my mother as a baby. Weird.

5.Is the belief in UFOs, aliens, physic powers, etc, growing because the belief in religion is dying? I dunno if it's actually growing, it's probably about the same it's just more noticible because of the internet.

Right, better be off now otherwise I won't make my bed time, which is more important than ever because I didn't sleep too well last night, I think I was nervous about the job interview, hmpf!










Interview Confidence

Reach for the laser with Antic's Sims-ulator!

land lords, embarrassing stuff, annoying net stuff, memes, tv, job hunt: library, broken stuff

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