Hot Stuff!

Oct 10, 2016 23:24

10:45pm: For sure! Today it got up to 30 degrees if you can believe that! Climate change is a hoax my ass.

And here I was with no shorts! Like I said they're in M and Grandpa's garage, or at least they were, lucky for me that during her morning work Mum had gone past there and picked it up bringing it back to her and Dad's place. How did I know this, because I ran into her at Warriewood Square! What a coincidence! One of her clients was at the podiatrists so she had gone there to exchange some socks and have lunch, which we ended up having together. Nice. :O)

After that I went and got my box, returned home, spent quite some time trying to get the air conditioner set up properly, I swear though there's no way to get it in the window behind the TV cabinet...there's just no way! I had to stick it in the other window instead, which as I mentioned does necessitate having it ajar.

Once I figured that out I headed out to the gym because I've been slacking on that and the air con there is a proper one, so I figured it was best to go there in the hottest part of the day than otherwise.

In other news, before I headed to the gym the landlord came to the door, apparently they have to turn the water off tomorrow so a plumber can do some repairs. I hope it won't be all day! Fortunately, I'll be able to shower tomorrow morning as the guy won't arrive until after 8am and I have to start at that time tomorrow, but the landlord's not sure when he'll finish. I guess if the worst comes to the worst I could go over to the parental units place. Although I'm planning to go to the gym again and maybe to Mona Vale to return some library books and such.

Anywho, with the earlier start required tomorrow I better wrap this up, but here's one Meme for the road!

Sunday Stealing

:The Gongerling Meme:

1. You’re building your dream house. What’s the one thing that this house absolutely, positively MUST HAVE? (other than the obvious basics of course) An ice rink! That'd be some totally cool shit...I could go skating every day! :OD And maybe learn to go backwards since I wouldn't have to worry about running into other people.

2. What is your dream car? The one I've got now! A green Mazda 2, the only thing missing is the reversing sensors.

3. What is your favorite website that isn’t a blog. Well, I'm really enjoying Reddit - LOL I'm so behind on stuff.

4. iPhone or Droid, which do you want/have? Droid, 'cause Apple sucks :OP

5. When you’re feeling down or lonely or just generally out of sorts, what do you do to cheer yourself up? Read a book, or watch a TV show I like. Or ring my mother up if all else fails!

6. Tell me about something or someone that you love that most people seem to hate. Well, I liked Kevin Rudd the former Prime Minister, although everyone I know seems to think he sucks!

7. What did you want to be when you grew up? Not a grown up apparently. :OP

8. Would you go on a reality show if given the chance? Fuck no, those things are bullshit. Well...I might go on House Hunters, but that's it.

9. Who was your favorite teacher when you were growing up? (Grade school, Middle School, Jr. High or High School only.) Ooo...that's a toughie, but I'd go with my Year Five teacher Ms Jones, the first to encourage my creative writing and a really nice teacher who told off the boys who picked on me. She also arranged for me to be in class with my best friend in Year 6 (after we'd been separated for 3 years! I had no friends in my classes), sadly for me, our family moved so that never happened. :O(

10. You get one pass to do something illegal or immoral. What are you gonna do?, I can't think of anything I want to do.

11. What were you doing 10 years ago? I was 22 - yikes! And hunting for a job in the library sector while working a part-time job at document destroying place. I was living back at home with my parents and pretty much doing the same crap as I am now...although there was a lot more where'd my writing mojo go?

12. By this time next year, I ... will hopefully have saved up quite a nest egg for the apartment and with any luck be working more hours at a library. Oh and the building where my apartment will be will have started construction hopefully!

13. What is something that you need to do but you've procrastinated on? Question is what haven't I being procrastinating all seriousness though, cleaning my Granny Flat, which I gotta get onto tomorrow!

14. Which fictional, TV show character you would shag anytime? No interest in shagging so...

15. What is your greatest pet peeve? Weird British pronounciations - "VIT-amin" and "ME-mo"

16. Tell me about your most recent trip of more than 100 miles? Hmmm, I guess that'd be going to my Aunt Weed's house maybe earlier this year? Although I'm not actually sure that's more than 100 miles, so failing that going to my graduation in Bathurst back in late 2014.

17. Which do you use more often, the dictionary or the thesaurus? To be honest, I don't think I've ever actually used a thesaurus, so...the dictionary.

18. Do you have a nickname? What is it? I have a few! The most well known is "Moose"

19. What are you dreading at the moment? Nothing...knock on wood!

20. Do you have a meme you think we should steal? (Yes, an old trick. But c'mon now. I gotta give it a shot. It's a lot harder to find memes now. But it's ok to answer "You're lazy" to call it a day.) Nope sorry...although I have noticed a decrease in the number of memes, sad.

OK, definitely gotta go now!










Hot Weather

Reach for the laser with Antic's Sims-ulator!

land lords, hot weather, let's get physical, memes, mum

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