10:31pm: By which I mean the grass at Wimbledon, not some sort of marjuana joke :OP.
In this particular case, I've just been watching one of the Australia women, Sam Stouser get beaten in straight sets in the second round. Or was it the first? I'm not actually sure because it rained yesterday so some matches rolled over to today.
But yeah! Sam Stouser did super well at the French Open, which is on clay, but apparently grass isn't her thing. Shame that. However! We do have another Aussie woman, so fingers crossed she can win her game. She's up next, sadly I won't be able to watch it or at least not much of it because I have to get to bed, no joke, according to my Up Move I didn't even manage seven hours last night! Totally uncool. Although that probably explains why I was rather scatter brained at Mrs S's today. Man, I gotta keep it together! :OP
Although my app tells me that time o' the month is also approaching quickly, which could also be a contributed, damn annoying thing that it is.
However! I did manage to get everything done today, both the gym and the library volunteering, although I should steer clear of working out on Thursdays, because I didn't get to the library today until ten to 3pm! This meant that it was getting dark when I left. So I must aim to get there at 2pm or perhaps earlier because around 4:30 the traffic gets shitty (although it probably won't be the next few weeks because the school holidays are on).
Aw no, it's starting to rain at Wimbledon again. The umbrellas are coming out, it doesn't look good at all and there's only one court that has a closing roof in the place, which to be honest seems to be quite an oversight for a country like England where it rains quite a lot. In fact, they only recently but the centre court roof closing thing in, only a few years back. People were calling for it for aaages.
Anywho, I guess I should take this as my cue to exit, like I said, I gotta catch up with those zzzs!
One last observation about Wimbledon...they seem to have done away with the "Miss" and "Mr" titles on the scoreboard! I couldn't have sworn they used to be there. They still call the player "Miss or "Mr" but yeah...it used to be on the actual scoreboard.
And lastly, Milos Ranoic the Canadian known as "The Sleeve" is out there...playing without his sleeve?! What voodoo is this? That's his trademark! Who dispenses with their trademark. Shocking.
Right, I'm leaving for real this time! ;O)
Reach for the laser with
Antic's Sims-ulator!