11:15pm: Well, true to form the weather has decided to go all extreme on us and the temperature has just dropped! According to my phone it was only 14 degrees C when I left work! Or 11 degrees when you accounted for the wind factor. I suppose that might have been incorrect, but usually my mobile is pretty accurate.
And it's set to be that chilly until next Friday.
Sigh, I suppose since it's winter the weather really should act like it is, but it still stinks, I had a singlet, shirt, jacket and coat and I was still chilly! Although admittedly I took the coat off whilst I was at church because I didn't want to become too acclimitised and then get all frozen once I left. I also ended up taking my jacket off at the library, but I was actually walking around and thankfully the air conditioning vents weren't blowing cold air today like last week.
Moving on, tonight my parents and I were meant to go to the celebration of our parish having almagamated with another one ten years ago, however, Mum ended up having to work at the Chinese restaurant that she sometimes casually waitress's at. She was meant to join us later, but Dad's back is playing up again, and in fact he wouldn't have come if not for the fact that Mum said I really wanted the book I left over there back. Which made me feel bad because dude I didn't need the book back that much!
Long story short, Dad went home right after church finished and I did too, mostly because of how cold it was and also because I don't really know anyone and I'm not actually sure I even like Indian food. Isn't it spicy? But I do wonder if Father Shiju - the priest that arranged everything - will be a bit disappointed that none of us came after putting our names down! (I'm pretty sure in the end Mum didn't go either...)
Although, someone needs to tell the choir/musicians at the church in Narrabeen to fix their sound levels, there was this high pitched noise on and off the entire service. As a person who is still relatively young and having not attended many concerts I still have quite good hearing and it was like nails on a chalkboard. I'm pretty sure even Dad could hear it and he did play a lot of loud music in his youth and doesn't have the best hearing.
Anyway...not much else to report beyond that, which is good because I should head for bed.
Before I go though, Meme!
Scattergories Part 6
What random letter was generated by the online
random-letter generator (this doesn’t really count as one of your five questions)? I got W!
1. What brand or model of car, whose name begins with the letter, would you like to get? Ummm...is there even one out there? I'll cheat and say a car that runs on 'watts'! :O)
2. What summer activity, whose name begins with the letter, are you looking forward to? Walking in the nice warm sun.
3. What’s an item in your desk whose name begins with the letter? I don't exactly have a desk, but I think I have 'White-Out' in the stationery drawer of my buffet cabinet.
4. What’s something, whose name begins with the letter, that you find frightening? Weird noises!
5. If you had to get a tattoo on your upper arm, what’s something whose name begins with the letter that you could live with? I'd hate to have a tatt, but I suppose I could live with a 'water drop' I do love water after all.
That was fun! Now time to head off.
Although I gotta say, I'm rather confused by this family's decision on International House Hunters to buy two identical houses side by side. They've stuck one of their kids in one of the houses...but like what do they do with a whole extra kitchen? Also, who puts one of their kids in a whole other house even if it is only five metres away? People are weird.
I'll leave you to ponder on that, for now, goodnight!
Reach for the laser with
Antic's Sims-ulator!