11:39pm: So I realised today that the end of May is coming and I have no idea when Mrs S is actually returning! I think it's 31st May but I'm not 100% and thus have no idea when I'm supposed to resume my morning work.
So I've sent Mrs S an email to ask, although I'm not sure she'll get, I do remember her mentioning that she'd call when she needed me to come back, so I assume that's still the case.
Anyway! Once again I've let this entry super late, why do I keep doing this? Well mostly because I get distracted doing other stuff, plus it's not like I have that much to say, in fact I didn't even go out today! Which in retrospect was a bad idea. I also forgot to take my anti-anxiety medication until the evening, which I'm quite sure had something to do with the almost-anxiety attack. Bloody rude, I tell you.
In other news, House Hunters International is on and the accent from this girl from the US is all over the place! I thought only Aussie's had that issue when they stayed for extended periods in other countries. Good to know we're not alone I suppose, LOL.
What else? Well not much, I remembered my Russian, but I forgot my Simpsons Tapped Out so I guess I'll be missing out on visiting my friends on that.
But oh! I just remembered something! I've made a start on my Pusheen Plush, she looks super cute all ready! I've put the stripes on the top of her head, her eyes and mouth, but I still have to put the stripes on her back and figure out how to make the legs before I stuff her. And decided if I'm going to get pipe cleaners for her whiskers or just use fabric.
Anyway, with only ten minutes left to midnight I better haul ass, tomorrow is Mum visiting day so I have to make sure the place looks nice!
Oh! And great news, the little bro can come on the cruise! Yay! I hope he enjoys it...it'd be a shame otherwise.
Goodnight all!
Pusheen Plushy
Reach for the laser with
Antic's Sims-ulator!