10:04pm: Alas no, the rain has set in and it's supposed to be around for like a week or so, which is a bummer because next Sunday is my birthday! I sent out the text message not long ago, although two of them can't come. :O( My friend Ben is working on Sunday and the other one has a job retreat. I'm not sure how early Ben has to get up to go to work - he's at a hospital - so I'm thinking maybe I can do it on Saturday evening. Actually, I'll probably do it in the evening either way, you can play 18 holes for only 7 bucks a person! How nice for a frugal person such as myself. :OP
Although! I'm wondering about inviting my friend from TAFE along, she's never met my other friends before and introducing friends who don't know one another is a bit fraught...not that I've ever done it to be honest. Of course I've been involved in such introductions which have always gone rather well so...
In other news, I decided to try the battery in the Santa lights one last time this evening and they worked! I'm pretty sure then it's the rechargable battery that's lost its charge, how annoying! I'll have to buy a new one, I hope it's not too expensive.
Also, I didn't end up going ice skating today, because even though my nose was better it was a drab day and I didn't feel all that energetic. I'm a bit disappointed though because I told Mrs S I'd check out the Santa Ball situation, they'll probably be all packed up by the time I get back out there. Shame. :O( But who knows...I do hope to go ice skating this week, although not tomorrow or Tuesday because I've got work.
I did however get to the gym! Rather late at 4pm, but I decided that getting some physical activity done and I think it was well worth it, although the pool is still closed, it'll be open again tomorrow not that that helps me, like I said work! :OP
Anyway, I better get back on those Memes, so here we go!
1. When were you last up on the house top? Well, I'm afraid of heights, so not for a very very long time, and it was more the top of the garage and I ended up lying on it holding on for dear life, I have no idea how I managed to get back down to be honest.
2. What’s a cookie you dislike? Well, the cookies that came in the Penguin jar I bought from K-Mart are rather gross to be honest. But if you're talking about a flavour...well, I don't like mint ones, yuk.
3. How many people named Carol (or Carole) do you know? I know a Caroline, but aside from that...
4. How much snow have you got on the roof? None, especially since I live in Australia and all...
5. Whose lap did you last sit on, and who last sat on yours? Um...gee...I have no idea! It was a long long time ago, in both cases! :OP
Looking for Treble
1. What’s something you recently fiddled with? The solar panel of the Santa lights, luckily I kept hold of the screws because they're tiny!
2. When did you last drum up support for a cause? Umm...well, if you don't count posting info about petitions I've signed it would be way back in 2001 when I was in high school and part of The Mercy Action Group.
3. What’s something today you can trumpet the arrival of? Uh...well, it was a rather uneventful day so I got nothing.
4. What’s the most memorable event you had to orchestrate? Alas, I'm not much of an organiser...I guess I did have to co-ordinate a group for a project in Uni once.
5. In what way have you got all your bases covered this week? Uh...well, hopefully I'm good on the work front and all.
The (Other) Friday Five
1. What presents did you get for the holidays? Well, having got the car with the help of my parents I didn't expect anything, but I got a handmade (by someone else) bag and book from my Grandparents, cookie mix from Aunt Jo, Uncle Sam and Mack and a large packet of Cheezels and a big block of Cadbury chocolate from Mum and Dad.
2. Is there anything you were hoping to get that you didn't get? Nah, I even got the white bag I hope to get from the Kris Kringle thing!
3. What is your favorite/least favorite holiday songs? Hmm, favourite We Three Kings, least favourite...well I heard some weird stuff on the radio this year...but nothing stands out exactly.
4. When do you take down your holiday season decorations? After Ephiphany which is when you're meant to! Although I'm not sure if that's on the 6th or the 7th...I've got to check that out.
5. What are your plans for New Year's? Well, I wanted to go see the fireworks in person, but alas it was not to be this year, shame. I hung out with my friend which was fun though!
Looking back at 2015!
1. Favorite TV show: One that's new to 2015, I guess I'd say Gogglebox, I think that started this year?
2. Favorite Movie: I'll say Back to the Future! Because it was relevant in 2015! :OP
3. Favorite Book: Where We Going We Don't Need Roads, the behind the scene book about the making of the BTTF trilogy. Great book, great freakin' book.
4. Favorite Video: Anything Plushy :OP
5. Favorite "Current Event": Um...I guess it'd be the bruhaha on 21st October 2015 regarding BTTF, how cool was that?! :O)
Saturday 9
:Happy Holidays! (from the archives):
1. As you can see, Sam loved giving her annual wish list to Santa. Yet some children are reluctant to climb into Jolly Old St. Nick's lap. Did you enjoy the tradition or were you shy? Or did you by pass it altogether -- either because you wrote him a letter or because your family didn't celebrate Christmas? Hmmm, well there's photos of my brothers and I with Santa, but I'm not sure how articulate I was when it came to what I wanted. I could be shy around strangers so...who knows.
2. Are you currently on the Naughty or Nice list? How did you get there? Nice list! Because I am nice. :OP
3. Did you ship any gifts to friends and family this year? If so, which one traveled the farthest? Not gifts, but Christmas cards, I don't think they've all arrived yet, but I did send a card to Canada, I think that one went the furthest...if it's got there yet...
4. Did you buy yourself a gift this year? Well, I bought the Santa Ball...the penguin biscuit jar, stuff for my stocking...so yeah, although two of those were after Christmas (they were on special!)
5. What's your favorite holiday-themed movie? I do enjoy The National Lampoon's Christmas Vacation although I neglected to watch it this year.
6. Thinking of movies, Christmas is lucrative for Hollywood. Have you ever gone to a movie theater on Christmas Day? Can't in Australia, everything is pretty much closed on Christmas Day. Never gone on Boxing Day either, sounds like a terrible idea, the crowds, man.
7. Have you ever suffered an embarrassing moment at the company Christmas party? Well, I did spend about 2 hours eating my dinner because the serving was so big, but the place wouldn't let me take the leftovers home! No-one said anything, but looking back that was pretty weird...
8. What's your favorite beverage in cold weather? Hot chocolate! Mmmm yummy!
9. Share a memory from last Christmas. I guess you mean Christmas 2014...well, the big bro and his wife visited from Japan so that was fun! They gave me the cutest card, a Santa that plays all sorts of different Christmas carols when you press his hand.
:Sleigh Ride (1993):
1) Have you ever ridden in a sleigh? Nope, the only opportunity to do it would be in the Snowy Mountains and I'm not sure they even have them up there.
2) This recording is from Harry Connick Jr's best-selling CD, When My Heart Finds Christmas. This year, did you add any new holiday songs to your personal collection? LOL, Harry Connick Jr. And no I didn't...I didn't even get around to playing that Jazzy Christmas Carol CD...whoops.
3) Harry was born and raised in New Orleans, a city that seldom sees snow. Have you had enough snow to shovel so far this winter? I live in Sydney, which doesn't see snow at all really...and particularly not on Christmas, so no.
4) Speaking of weather, Harry hosted a mini-series on The Weather Channel called 100 Biggest Weather Moments. Do you frequently check The Weather Channel? Nah, although there is one for Australia, I get enough weather from the news on TV and radio.
5) Harry's mother was a very impressive woman -- a lawyer, judge and Louisiana Supreme Court justice. Tell us about someone in your family of whom you're very proud. Wow, that is impressive! As for me...well, the little bro has really got it together lately, so that's great. :O)
6) Happy New Year! Now that Christmas is over, are you done with holiday music and decorations? Or are you sad to see the holidays end? I'm sad to see Christmas go, it's a fun time of year...Although I suppose I'm not sorry to see the crowds go. :OP
7) The New Year's Eve fireworks celebration in Sydney, Australia is famous for coordinating pyrotechnics and music. Have you ever welcomed the New Year in another country? SHOUT OUT! :OD And I have! In Hong Kong, it was pretty cool, especially when one of the buildings lit up with an image of Garfield. Niice.
8) Do you have any New Year's Resolutions for 2016? Nah, I don't do resolutions.
9) Looking back on 2015, what surprised you? A bad surprise: Donald Bloody Trump, seriously, what the fuck USA? That's some bullshit right there. I'm embarrassed for all of us.
Good surprise: The big bro and his wife are expecting a baby! I didn't think that'd happen, Mum sure is glad though, LOL.
Right, I better get going as it's bed time, although I've finally remembered how to find the past Unconscious Mutterings so expect to see that next time.
But now, I bid you all goodnight!
Reach for the laser with