10:30pm: Which would normally be a good thing, but not when the boning refers to boning in a bodice to help keep one's strapless dress stay up while wearing it.
I bought two metres of the stuff when I didn't have a pattern, but now that I have one...well it turns out I needed 3 metres...taking into account the two lengths I cut off before I got the pattern I've run out!
I went to Lincraft on my way to the gym in the hopes of buying more, but unsurprisingly it was all sold out. Damn. Which means that I either have to go all the way to Super-Centre to get some, or perhaps to the Fabric shop in Mona Vale. I suppose I should call to find out before heading over there, since I probably shouldn't go over there if it's not. I just hope it won't be too expensive! It won't be on special there after all.
So, things costume related have ground to a bit of a halt though I was hemming the skirt, it's taking ages because the skirt goes to mid-calf, good thing it wasn't floor length, huh?
In other news, not much...oh! I did get my car washed, although I think I'll need to invest in some actual detergent or something of that kind since using just water doesn't get everything off, plus I need to get a brush to scrub the front tyres because they've got so much brake dust on them that just spraying them with tyre cleaning and then hosing them doesn't work. Man, I should have bought that bucket of car cleaning stuff when the Father's Day Deals were going on.
After that I went to drop some stuff off at the home of the parental units and Dad came out to look at the car, he was impressed from afar, but upon closer inspection he saw that not all the dirt had come off - he even did the "wipe your finger across the surface" test, typical Dad. :OP Which reminds me, I asked him how his knee was going, but he never did tell me what the doctor wanted to do - he had keyhole surgery on the meniscus a few weeks back, but it hasn't worked, it looks like he might need a whole knee replacement. Yikes.
Anyway, that's pretty much all I have to say, there was something else, but I've forgotten what it was now. Hmmm, can't have been that important then, I hope?
Right, time for the Memes I guess - and to wonder why with all the cable channels I have now there's nothing to watch! I've just switched to Midsommer Murders, but it's new Barnaby, damn he's not as fun. I'd watch one of the DVDs I borrowed from the library, but it's a bit too late for that now.
Saturday 9
:That's All (1983):
1) In the lyrics, Phil Collins sings of a time he was wrong when he thought he was right. Tell us about a recent time when you got it wrong. Uh...well, I guess trying to make the dress without a pattern, I meant I had a general idea of what I was doing and had an outline in my head, and that worked for the circle skirt, but trying to make a bodice? Bad move, and now my floor is covered with loose threads and bits of fabric.
2) The song is addressed to a lover that Phil clearly feels is contrary. When he says, "day," she says, "night." Is there anyone in your life who seems to disagree with you all or most of the time? Hmmm...my grandfather, I suppose, but it's all in good fun! Even when we're bitching at each other re: politics. Aside from him, nope.
3) This was Genesis' first Top 10 hit in the US. Can you name another Phil Collins or Genesis song? I can! Since I rather enjoy Phil Collins's music, particularly In The Air Tonight, which I got into wen watching Cold Case, good TV series that...
4) Phil Collins is a model train enthusiast. Is there anything special that you collect? Well, I do like to collect objects that are either unusually big (giant pencil, giant paperclip) or unusual small (tiny book, tiny sticky-tape dispenser), but I can't really collect right now, I'm running out of room! Oh, I have almost completed the Agatha Christie book collection.
5) Collins was awarded an honorary doctorate from the Berklee College of Music in Boston. At the ceremony, he delivered the commencement address. When did you last give a presentation or deliver a speech? Not in years and years, which is good because I hate public speaking and am terrible at it.
6) One of Phil Collins' early solo albums was called, Hello, I Must Be Going. He took the title from a song in the 1930 Marx Bros. movie, Animal Crackers. What's the last black and white movie or TV show that you watched? Gosh, you've got me, I'm not sure I've ever watched a black and white movie, excepting The Wizard of Oz and it's been ages since I've seen that. I am however intrigued by the movie title Animal Crackers did they have those in the 30s?
7) In 1983, when this song was popular, the Lotus 1-2-3 program made it easier for PC users to build spreadsheets. Are you answering these questions on a PC or a Mac? Laptop or desktop? Tablet or phone? A PC Acer laptop.
8) 1983 is also the year when McDonald's introduced McNuggets. What's your favorite chicken recipe (assuming it's not McNuggets)? My terrakyi chicken legs! So yummy.
9) In 1983, President Reagan signed the bill making Dr. Martin Luther King's birthday a holiday. What's your favorite holiday? Christmas Day! There's presents, family, a great meal...good times.
Sunday Stealing
Mac'n Cheese Meme
Stolen from:
Love me some surveys 1. Can you ever get enough of mac ‘n’ cheese? I don't actually care for it, so I'll say yes. :OP
2. Are you allergic to nuts or diary products?
Thankfully no, since in the case of the latter it's delicious!
3. Do you think age matters in relationships? Well, after the age of 20, I guess. I mean under the age there shouldn't be many years difference at all.
4. Has anyone ever called the cops on you? Me? Thankfully, no!
5. Did you talk to someone until you fell asleep last night? Nope.
6. What’s the connection between the last person you texted? She's my employer.
7. Are you in a good mood? Yeah, sure.
8. Excited for anything? Hmmm...a library shift next week!
9. Do you have a hard time controlling your emotions? Yeah a bit.
10. Do you like your height? Nah, I wish I was taller a lot of the time, washing the top of my car this evening for example was quite difficult.
11. How long have you lived in your current home? About a year and two months, wow time flies.
12. Could you go a week without brushing your teeth? What? Oh Hell no!
13. Have you ever given any amount of money to the homeless? Yes, although not like 20 bucks or anything.
14. Own anything from Bath & Body Works? I'm not sure we have that shop here in Australia.
15. Have you ever had your nails so long that they curved down at the ends? Fortunately no, that looks painfully.
16. Have you ever swallowed a bunch of salt water by accident? Yes, earlier this year when a wave at the beach knocked me right on my ass.
17. Does it take you over an hour to go to sleep sometimes? Thankfully no!
18. When you get home from school/work do you change into your pjs right away? No sir, but then I often get home when it's still light out.
19. Have you ever stayed up all night and the whole next day without any sleep? Yes, but not on purpose - I couldn't sleep after reading something really scary. It sucked.
20. Has anyone ever told you that you have pretty feet? LOL no.
21. What is the temperature currently in the town you live in? Let me just check my phone...16 degrees C, that's pretty good.
22. Do you ever actually drink milk alone? Not often, but once in a blue moon, especially if there's not enough left for a bowl of cereal. Although for a minute there I thought you meant alone as in "when I'm by myself" which I thought was rather weird, LOL.
Whoops, I was going to go to bed earlier since there wasn't much to watch, but now look at the time, man I'm bad at this. :OP
Right, off to bed I go, a work week begins tomorrow!
Goodnight all!
Reach for the laser with
Antic's Sims-ulator!