11:03pm: The bodice is coming together, although...I sure hope it fits when I'm finished, because otherwise I'll have to make adjustments and we all know what happens when that goes down. It's looking pretty good if I do say so myself! I don't have a picture at the moment but I'll take one tomorrow. I also have to make the lining, because I did try it on and the fabric's way too thin and a bit scratchy...
What else to report today? Well, I did forget to mention that yesterday my Simpsons glasses came in the mail, whoo! I'm drinking out of the Marge Simpson one at the moment, good times.
As for events that happened today...well, the fate of Million Dollar Minute remains thoroughly puzzling. The champ who's been on for over a week and a half finally managed to make it to the $200,000, which he decided to take and run. But the host invited him to stay on...so what if he had chosen to do so? Would there have been more episodes? Are there still more episodes? If not, why didn't the announcer or Simon - the presenter - say anything? The latter should have got a cake for all his hard work at the very least! Or there could have been streamers and balloons. So, yeah, no idea what's happening there.
In other news...there's helicopters flying overhead here...or a helicopter at least, it's been doing it for 10 minutes now and I have to ask: WTF? It's like 11:15 at night! Rude. If not somewhat concerning because the last time this happened and I mentioned it to my grandparents, Grandpa said that it was probably a police helicopter looking for someone! o.O
Oops, I've just realised I think the pattern for the bodice has the zipper on the side...in which case I've kind of sewn it together wrong. Dang...good thing I have my seam ripper.
Oh! And when I got home, C the landlord was having a garden party, and Mum was here - she had kindly bought me a pattern...except it looks absolutely nothing like Lorraine's dress, but I've kept it anyway, maybe I can use the pink fabric I got by mistake before settling on the cotton. Also, and somewhat more importantly Marta from church was there and she let me know that the two girls had done all right with the PowerPoint (except for one mistake in the slides - I'll have to check that the slideshow is right next time I take a week off!).
Finally, I'll do some Memes before heading to bed!
Follow Friday Four Fill-Ins
The statements:
1. Have you ever danced with the devil in the blue moonlight? (Is that the title or lyric of the song? Or is it the pale moonlight?)
2. Wouldn’t it be nice if we could all just get along? All those poor Syrians having to flee their country and suffering terrible conditions in Serbia, Hungary and the rest.
3. I think dreams are just nonsense most of the time.
4. I just cannot whistle no matter how hard I try.
1. What’s something you have in great supply this weekend? Raspberry jelly and whipped cream! Which sounds dirty but isn't...you pervs. :OP
2. What demands do you have of the next few days? None really, aside from making sure I get to church on time. Weekends are my days off, except for when I work at the library.
3. What kind of inflation do you welcome after the week you’ve had? Uh...I'm not sure, I don't really want inflation of any kind.
4 What’s something you’ve recently taken an interest in? Sewing! It's turning out OK I dare say...fingers crossed.
5. Read any good books lately? Yes! I'm very much enjoying A Series of Unfortunate Events, never read it when it first came out, but I'm up to the 7th book and the sotries have really gripped me.
Right, the helicopter seems to have gone away, which is good because I think I'll have trouble sleeping if it keeps buzzing overhead.
On that note I shall be off, I didn't get my 8 hours last night and I don't want to end up in sleep debt! So for now, goodnight!
Reach for the laser with
Antic's Sims-ulator!