9:46pm: Yes, after missing the actual US release date of 3rd July, I went on IMDB and found out that 15th August 1985 was the day the movie was released down under, so I made the decision to watch the first movie on this day. And I managed not to forget either so here I am watching it! Hopefully, I've managed to synch it up some the big lightning strike will happen at 10:04, but I'm not sure the internet gave me the right time.
I'm up to the part where Marty is (over) rocking out to Johnny Be Good, LOL...I love this movie I really do. I've even got my
shirt that I had printed. I'm very proud of it, since I created the collage in Photoshop all on my own, although I'm not sure I should have put that 20th Anniversary bit in there, ah well.
Hmm, the Clocktower scene has begun and there's still 12 minutes 'til 10:04! But Doc just said there's only 7 minutes and 34 seconds left! Movie time has lied to us again it would seem. :OP
And yes I'm watching as I type, the benefits of learning to touch type, I heartily recommend all youth do it!
In un-BTTF related news, today was skating day! Although I wasn't sure if I was going to get there in time because for some reason the traffic really sucks on one of the roads I need to take to get to Macquarie. I have no idea why because it just disappears at a certain point, I didn't think that many people turned off. Anyway, the good news is I got into the actual skating rink with a minute to spare, so I threw on my skates and went out there.
I'm pleased to say I'm doing much better on the ice, but I swear I'm never going to be able to go backwards, why were skating moves all developed with the person going backwards? What's up with that? Seems a bit counter-intitutive.
Aaah, I think I've done something wrong here...it's 9:57 and Marty's just taken off a bit late to hit the wire...somehow I've lost four minutes? Or is that gained four minutes? Rude! Should I pause so I can celebrate the big moment? That'll ruin the suspense, but then that's the whole point of this exercise!
So I have.
But seriously the webpage I went to categorically told me to start the movie at 8:23 and 14 seconds! That was the Blu-Ray release, and I'm watching the regular DVD version, but I don't recall 4 whole extra minutes been stuck in the blu-ray version at any rate. Hmpf, I guess I'll have to try again on 5th of November at 8:27 and 14 seconds.
Anyway, I won't do memes, because it's hard to do that and watch a movie at the same time, plus my eyes are dry and I have to blink a lot.
So! On that note I shall update this entry celebrating the greatest movie of all time at 10:04pm precisely!
For now, goodnight!
Reach for the laser with
Antic's Sims-ulator!