10:31pm: I give this warning because this morning when I went to get my milk out of the fridge to pour it on my cereal I noticed something...namely, that it wasn't cold! It wasn't warm since it's bloody cold at the moment, but it definitely wasn't cold. I looked at the water jug - since if I don't put it in properly it tends to result in the door not closing properly, but no it was fine. So then I opened the freezer and horror of horrors...pretty much everything in there was defrosted! Fuuuuck!
So, I called my mother because I didn't know what else to do, she told me that I could borrow their bar fridge - although it doesn't have much in the way of a freezer - just a tiny compartment - but in the meantime I'd have to bring over my frozen items to their house - actually she suggested I take them to work first, but I felt that'd be a bit awkward... I was pretty distressed at the thought that the pre-frozen fish I bought had gone to waste, but as it turned out I'd all ready eaten it (why'd I leave the packet in the freezer?! Don't ask me.) But my chocolate ice cream was a total loss. :O(
I left a message with N about the fridge and then packed my frozen stuff, milk and left over lasagna into a freezer bag, hoping it'd hold up until I could get to my parents house.
As it turned out, C was leaving as I was so I told her about the issue and asked if I could store my stuff in her fridge, which she said was a good idea, and that she would talk to her husband (that's N) about my fridge.
So off to work I went, running a few minutes late, but I managed to get to Mrs S's in time by taking a bit of a short-cut, I'm kind of lucky it worked out to be honest! I wasn't sure if I'd be able to get to the main road by taking the turn I did, but it all worked out. I spoke to Mum on the way about where I was storing my food and she mentioned that Aldi has fridges for sale, but that sh wasn't going to buy anything until the landlords figured out what to do etc.
For all that drama, work went rather well, go me.
After I left though, I headed straight home instead of going to Mum and Dad's, whoops, but it was a good thing I did, because upon arriving back at the flat I discovered the fridge seemed to have come back to life! I'd left my cheese in the fridge and I opened it to have some at which point I realised it was cold... And then checking the freezer I could feel the cold air coming out of it. I suddenly saw what had very likely been the problem, there are vents in the back of the freezer and after I bought that extra packet of frozen chips I'd kind of stuffed everything in. I must have blocked off the vents! Well fuck me.
To make a long story short (hah, probably too late for that!) N wanted to come up and check everything out - and Mum who I called up about the fridge working again would also be stopping by so it was time to clean!
I managed to get to the place looking pretty respectable, by the time N came up to take a look so that was OK. He looked over the fridge, fiddled with a switch in the back and also took off and emptied this tray in the back which had become full of water, weird. Anyway, since then the fridge has been fine.
Of course, all this derailed my usual gym plans for today, boo! However, when N left it was just before 2pm and I decided, what the Hell, I wouldn't be able to workout and swim, but I could at least do the latter (and catch up on the workout tomorrow) and wear my new swimsuit! I was a little worried actually because I tried the swimsuit on the morning and as always my hips seemed too big for it! But maybe the elastic just needed a little stretching because it seemed fine at the pool.
So! Swimming and hair washing was done and I came home and did some more cleaning in time for Mum to arrive and declare it was looking pretty tidy, but alas not clean. :OP We had to bring out the paper towels and spray because the skirting boards were covered in dust. But after much hard work and rearranging the place is clean phew!
Now, I've said this before, but once again...I must keep it this way! C sometimes comes up and what's to drop in, and if it's messy up here she get pissy.
And on that note I have to get my butt to bed so I can get enough zzzs, not to mention this entry has gone on quite long enough.
So I shall bid you all goodnight!
Reach for the laser with
Antic's Sims-ulator!