Oh Internet, Ye Have Returned!

Dec 12, 2014 23:45

11:16pm: Indeed! I was quite in despair! It wasn't working this morning, but since I was going to the library I didn't really have to worry about that, however when I got back after going to the gym and everything and couldn't get it to work, even after going into the main house and fiddling around with the router and the wi-fi extender I really started to worry.

However, all of a sudden it just starting working...through the wi-fi extender, which I haven't managed to get working for like a month or two, I have no idea what I did do it, but praise the Lord! Fingers and toes crossed that these trends continue.

In other news, I had trouble getting to sleep last night because an idea struck me about the Graduation and getting there - what if I went with Mum and Dad, but paid to stay in a different hotel from then for the Monday night so they could enjoy their anniversary in peace. :OP I thought it was a great idea, and I was pretty annoyed I'd only just thought of it at nearly midnight and wasn't able to call Mum about it until this morning.

However, apparently Mum had all ready thought and discounted this idea! Apparently she'd rather I'd not accompany them down to Bathurst at all. While I appreciate the general idea of facing and conquering my anxiety about trains, but...generally to do that you start small, like going a stop or two on the train with a safety person, and working one's way up to going by myself. Now, it could be argued I should have got a start on this ages back...but it's too late now.

So, I really don't know what to do. I guess the bus is the only option...or perhaps I could try to catch a train a stop or two this weekend - but honestly, the very idea of going to a train station makes me tense let alone get on a train with the doors closing and everything. It does beg the question...why is their only one bus that goes to Bathurst? What's with that? And why does it get into Bathurst at nearly 9pm at night? Total bullshit if you ask me.

Anyway, I suppose I could do the Memes, bu I'm short on time as one can see, only twenty 'til midnight, so I better leave that until tomorrow.

Tomorrow is actually wide open I was supposed to get my IPL treatment, but alas the machine has broken down (it seems to do that a lot) so that's called off. Rude, I hope my face can past muster at the Graduation Ceremony.

Actually, I know what I need to do, make my Christmas cards! I'm totally cutting it close this year...I hope they'll get to my oversea's buddies in time...

For now though, I bid you all goodnight!









Trip Plans

Reach for the laser with Antic's Sims-ulator!

volunteering, fixed stuff, library, mum, ranting, christmas, anxiety, internet

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