So I Gotta Go There And Tell Them What?

Oct 01, 2014 23:27

11:07pm: The job service people, there's this requirement that one goes to an appointment once a month, but there's not actually much reason for me to do so. Last time I was there I got a form for my pyschiatrist and/or to fill out, however, I haven't actually gone to either - although I'm seeing the former next Friday, so I wonder if I can call to ask for the meeting to be postponed until then. Or maybe I should actually use the facilities provided at the Job Service place and apply to more jobs, I think I should have applied to at least 12 by now, but I've only done half that. Man, I gotta get onto that...

In other news, it's October (inventory time ;O) which means, holy shit the year is passing fast and also that I can finally use mobile data on my mobile phone again, yay! Although I really should do more reading on the's certainly helped me get through the Kay Scarpetta series I've been reading lately, I'm all ready up to Book 7!

Also, the driving went well this morning, except I parked really badly at the mechanics and Mum had a bit of a time getting the car out of it, whoops.

However, the guy who was supposed to come by and measure for the shelving has been postponed yet again, although apparently on Friday the material is supposed to be coming and then the guy can come by. I guess he'll start putting the shelves together on the very day he comes.

So with a lack of anything else to report, let's do the last Friday5 meme!


Happy Birthday Bruce (Springsteen)

1. Hey, what else can we do now, except roll down the window and let the wind blow back your hair? (“Thunder Road,” 1975) Well, I've got no car and though it was windy this morning it no longer is now, so...tough luck there. :OP

2. Is a dream a lie if it don’t come true, or is it something worse? (“The River,” 1980) Uh's just a dream, most of which are pretty weird and make no sense at all...I suppose you mean the other kind of a dream, in which case...I dunno...worse because it didn't come true.

3. So tell me who I see when I look in your eyes: is that you, baby, or just a brilliant disguise? (“Brilliant Disguise,” 1987) Nope, it's me, unless I'm dressed up in my Pinkie Pie cosplay, LOL.

4. Do you think what I’m asking’s too much? (“Human Touch,” 1992) I dunno, depends on what you're asking for... :OP

5. Why do the things that connect us slowly pull us apart? (“Life Itself,” 2009) Because life's an ass?

Right...better wrap this up here, it's getting late again and I need to get enough zzzs.

Wish me luck tomorrow!

Goodnight all!










Reach for the laser with Antic's Sims-ulator!

job hunt: 2014, books, fun on the web, memes, mum

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