The Applying Is The Hardest Part Of All...

Sep 29, 2014 23:18

10:54pm: Well, damn I am reminded that as part of my committment to Centrelink to get my unemployment benefit I'm supposed to be applying to six jobs a fortnight. Which I am currently failing to do...because quite frankly writing cover letters is just a tremendous pain in the ass and with it being that time o' the month (five days late which is quite weird for me!) I just can't be bothered right now. But I really have to extract the digit because I have to keep a record of where I've applied and turn that over to the Centrelink people next time I have an appointment there. Plus there's that City of Sydney Casual Library Assistant position I have to apply to! Very important!

Also that assignment about conversations...which I've totally neglected, better find some convos to report on or have some before I run out of time! I think it's due on Wednesday the 8th...

In other news, I am tired because I went to bed late and my parental units woke me up early with a phone call - they were on their way to get Dad's car serviced and couldn't find the place in the GPS. So I had to look it up for them, all this at 7:30am! Hmpf!

But I can't be too mad, because I headed over to the parental units place today for lunch, with the little bro being there as well! Originally we were going to a restaurant or something, but because Mum and Dad are having their window locks replaced and the man had only just arrived. So the little bro and I headed off to the local IGA to get sausages and potato salad, I also got some Twisties because they were on special.

Although I do need t cut down on the chocolate and whatever, because I've discovered that neither of my camel coloured shorts fit all that well anymore. I can still do them up but they're rather tight and hence not of much use and I need shorts at the moment because a heat wave has suddenly come, it got up to 30 degrees C today and there I was wearing jeans!

Anywho! I'm going to wrap this up now, but as promised here's the Friday5 meme that I'm catching up on:



1. Some people say you should never mix business with friendship. What experience have you had that would either refute or confirm this wisdom? Well, whilst I wasn't their friend, I did get a job through my grandparents with one of their close friends. Unfortunately, the job ended somewhat badly two years later when I was fired, on the positive the grandparents and my old boss are still good friends, on the negative, my grandparents often bring it up to me and how I screwed that up.

2. Some people say you should never let ‘em see you sweat. What experience have you had that would either refute or confirm this wisdom? Who? Friends, family? Employers? Potential Employers? In the latter two that's probably a good thing to do - don't get too emotional on the job! Believe me I've done it and it's led to bad situations. With the former two, I say be honest!

3. It is often said that you should never put off ’til tomorrow what you can do today. What experience have you had that would either refute or confirm this wisdom? As a chronic procrastinator I can say this would be a wise thing to do, in practice though I usually fail to do so and it leads to all kinds of stress and rushing about!

4. It is often said that you should never get romantically involved with someone at work (there’s a cruder way of putting it, but I’m declining to use that selection of words). What experience have you had that would either refute or confirm this wisdom? Well, seeing as people spend quite a lot of time at work these days and are marrying later it seems rather unreasonable that you can't date someone you work with! I'd say avoid any conflict of interest like dating a superior or someone you supervise, but if they're in a different department from you or you're on the same level, why not?

5. What piece of wisdom from your own life should be a catchy proverb for others to live by? "It is better to have a crappy job whilst looking for your dream job then to have no job and attempt the same." Seriously, this is good advice, take it :OP

Right, must be off, lots to do tomorrow including volunteering, going to spend the night at the parentals so I can help Mum with taking the other car to be serviced and between that making sure the flat is clean so the man who's going to put in the shelves can access the place! Oh and go to the gym if possible.

And that's all I have to say about that...









Job Hunting

Reach for the laser with Antic's Sims-ulator!

job hunt: 2014, lack o' sleep, hot weather, memes, uni assignment, parentals, procrastination, food, little bro

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