8:50pm: Yep, definitely a cold...fuuuuck and I've run out of tissues, which considering that my nose is still stuffy as Hell and running a bit - despite the taking of some Clarytne that's supposed to both clear the sinuses and dry up the nasal area. Shiiiit.
This morning almost turned out to be a disaster though! Not bothering to check which bus I was going to catch last night before going to bed was a damn stupid idea, because if I had I'd have realised getting up at 8am would be too late. But I didn't and when I woke up this morning and checked...well, the last buses I could catch to get to Chatswood in time was to leave in about 10 minutes. I thought the peak hour would last longer than that - i.e the buses would come every 10 or 15 minutes, but nope. So once I missed the 8:17 one I was fucked.
I ended up calling Mum, thinking maybe I could get the 9:17 bus and get to the parentals in time to borrow Dad's car and drive to Chatswood before 10:O0am. Mum as you can imagine was not happy with me at all! In fact it looked like she was going to have to come and pick me up just so I could get there in time, but I didn't want her to do that, since she's still fighting the cold too. In the end I checked the time table for the other bus that goes from about a 10 minute walk away, and there was one coming sooner and I figured that would get me to Neutral Bay at a decent time...although double checking the time table it didn't seem like it, so I was going to ask Mum if she'd be at work in Mosman so I could take her car, but in the end the bus to Chatswood would arrive at Dee Why a few minutes after the bus I was on, and would get to where I needed to go by 9:59am so I caught that one instead.
It was pretty touch and go, because buses usually aren't right on time, but I got to the interview about a minute late and I think it went OK, because I didn't feel that awful yet. However, it's going to be about 8 weeks until I know if I'm getting the job or not, do'h.
I went back to the parentals because there were a few things to pick up from there, including my lotto ticket, Mum dropped me off near my newsagency where I got it checked and I won some money, whoo!
But yeah...the day has kind of gone downhill since I got home in terms of health, also I think it's almost that time of the month and it's making me feel really icky with abdominal pains. Uuuugh I don't need this. Especially because tomorrow I'm supposed to go to the apartment to let the metre changing man in and conduct some inspections with potential tenants. I can only pray that I will feel well enough in the morning - as I often do with a cold - and be able to get to Newtown. If I feel this bad though...oh man, I don't know what to do. I'm pretty sure tomorrow is one of the days Mum has to at work and she won't want to cover for me anyway.
Uuuugh. Man...looking around for ways to relieve my symptoms makes me think one may have got more colds as a kid, but they certainly made you feel less crappy. And the abdominal discomfort doesn't help, but I'm leery of taking something for it because of the Clarntyne, I'm worried about drug interactions.
I guess I'll just have to go to bed early and hope for the best.
Pray for Moose!
Goodnight all!
Reach for the laser with
Antic's Sims-ulator!