Oww, Stupid LJ

Feb 23, 2014 23:58

11:11pm: I've been reading a figure skating community over there (I has problems yes) and I've just been reminded of why I had to leave it in the first place...the damn changes they made with that stupid ass default comment page. Ouch! And I've forgotten what to put in the address bar so I can view it in my style. Grumble grumble.

Anyway! Today was another good day! I finally got back to the gym, hooray! Also I'm most pleased with my Blu-Ray player and its very big 500Gb memory, I left it recording this morning and I think I got all of the ice skating gala! :OD Of course I think I also got a whole lotta of other stuff in it too. Hmmm, I need to get that program I had my computer during the London Olympics that lets me cut out parts of recorded videos and whatnot so I can piece it all together and I have a spectacular show to watch yay!

So, yeah, Olympics now over, the Paralympic games are on next though...hopefully ABC will show it, although alas I don't think the Pralympics has figure skating in it, which I find odd, they have basically everything else, including speed skating. I guess figure skating would be pretty full-on, never mind having a disability and trying to do it. Shame that it doesn't get to be on the main networks, but hey being on the ABC means no ads.

Hmm, I wonder if there's curling in the Paralympics? Because it would totally rock if there was and the Norway team had crazy pants! :OD

And since times is slipping away, let's do Memes!

Saturday Six

1. H is for HABITAT: How close is your current home to your “dream” home? Well, I totally love my apartment, alas I'm not there right now, but figures and toes crossed for the start of June.

2. H is for HACKER: How concerned are you about the threat of someone hacking into your personal accounts? Hmmm...well, saving my bank account, it seems it'd be more annoying than anything else? Although I wouldn't want them knowing where I live or having my phone number!

3. H is for HELICOPTER: Have you ever ridden in a helicopter? If not, would you if you had the chance? No and fuck no! I think the trip would be way to bumpy for me to be able to take! Plus they just seem kind of rickety...

4. H is for HELL: Do you believe that Hell is a real place, and if so, how do you picture it? Hmm, well I believe in Heaven, but I'm not so sure about Hell in terms of fire and brimstone and stuff...it seems weird that an all-loving God would have a Hell, even for murderers and all that. So yeah.

5. H is for HITCHCOCK: What’s your favorite Alfred Hitchcock movie? I've never actually watched one, when I was 8 I saw a clip of the shower scene in Psycho and I think they were explaining the blood was chocolate sauce, but it still freaked me the fuck out. I don't like scary movies!

6. H is for HOLIDAY: Which holiday do you wish people would take more seriously and why? Holidays in general are not SRS BSNS! Although I suppose we should always make sure that ANZAC Day (insert your own country's day of remembrance here) should always be treated respectfully.

Sunday Stealing

Fifteen Meme

from Liv Rants

1. What was your first job like? It sucked pretty bad, it was pamphlet delivery, junk mail! I mean it was good exercise, but the pay was so bad! Like 0.02 cents a phamplet, plus one time I had to deliver political material for a racist party.

2. It’s a typical Sunday, how are you spending it? Go to work, go to the gym, watch My Little Pony - although I keep forgetting to do so! Just bum around on the net generally...

3. What was the happiest day of your life? Gosh, that's a toughy...although going to Disneyland was awesome!

4. What was the best decision you ever made? EVER? Man, no idea, seriously...I'm really bad at decision making really, so...

5. Tell your go-to “pretend” game as a child (who was your alter-ego?) I'd just make up stories in my head, sometimes about dolphins, other times about...any old thing. I played with my Dollhouse a lot and made my own paper dolls for it.

6. What email service do you use? Yahoo for most stuff, Gmail for professional stuff.

7. What fandoms would you consider yourself a part of? BTTF! My Little Pony! BBC's Merlin! Monkey Island! Figure skating!

8. Do you use anything on your lips? (eg. Chapstick, gloss, balm, lipstick) Lipstick for special occasions and lip balm should I get chapped lips, which I often do in winter, ow!

9. How many devices do you own which can access the internet? Including the Blu-Ray player? Hmm, big laptop, small laptop, old laptop (probably need to have that recycled) and mobile phone, which equals five.

10. Last strong smell you can remember smelling? I have a terrible sense of smell, but alas this morning at work the garbage men came to get the old fish from the fish shop down the alley and uuuugh! They were quick though, thank God.

11. If you had to move your birthday to another date, which one would you choose and why? Nah I like it right where it is! Although if I lived in the Northern Hemisphere I'd probably want to change it to 10th July so I could have a summer birthday. Winter sucks.

12. Inspiration behind your blog title? Alliteration! As for subtitles and the rest I'm a bit of a true crime buff, so that's where that comes in.

13. If you could spend a rainy day with anyone in the world, who would you choose and why? Umm...all my LJ friends! Hugs :OD

14. Is there a foreign culture that you love? Japanese culture is pretty interesting, I must say!

15. Do you have a favorite soft drink? Nope don't like soft drink.

And eek! I've just seen the time! I'll have to leave off on Unconcious Mutterings until tomorrow, I'm sure you can all wait.

For now, though, goodnight!










Reach for the laser with Antic's Sims-ulator!

ice skating, olympics, let's get physical, work, fun on the web, memes

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