9:34pm: I just discovered I missed out on 6 donuts (the premium currency) in The Simpsons Tapped Out game because I didn't tap on a task even though it was highlighted because I thought it's be available later, like they usually are, but nope not this time. There's a lesson there. But still boo hiss, especially since I'm not gonna buy donuts, unlike the gems thing in My Little Pony app. Oh well, the donuts do show up with more regularity then gems do.
In other news I haven't got around to trying to fix up the toilet because I'm not really sure what to try...plus I feel lazy. :OP But I really better take a good look at it before I go to bed, because I don't want to waste anymore water (I turned off the tap this morning)!
Oh and as promised
here's the definitive Pinkie Loaf! I'm very pleased with it. Hugs the Pinkie Loaf.
Not much else to report, it was Writer's Group tonight and the Bluetooth keyboard proved to be fab! I was a bit worried it would take me forever to get there because there was a fire in a building in the city (thankfully no-one was hurt) which closed down a road and caused traffic chaos! Seems it had settled by the time I left work so I wasn't too late at all. Although unfortunately, the air conditioning in the pub ended up being a bit much so I left earlier than I intended too. Still I got some good writing done.
Speaking of writing, NaNo sent me an email from my novel-to-be which finally got me to login to the site! Although I still haven't decided what to write yet. I think Geoffrey is calling to me though...hmmmm, decisions.
And finally, I've somehow managed to overspend and the ALIA people called me up to say they couldn't process my membership fee again. Ugh fail! Well, they'll try again on Friday after I get paid again and it really should work this time. Although they did say they tried to process it last Friday...it should have worked then too, but apparently not. Weird.
Anyway, bed calls so I must be off, plus I have to check out the toilet, wish me luck!
Goodnight all!
Reach for the laser with
Antic's Sims-ulator!