And Then The Mercury Dropped...

Oct 14, 2013 22:05

9:32pm: This spring is being totally ridiculous, more so than usual if you ask me. After yesterday's 37 degree C oven, today was positively freezing by comparasion, especially since I only had shorts and a t-shirt to wear having stayed at my parents' house. I don't think it even got to 20 degrees C! I was at work today, which meant I was inside, but every so often a breeze would blow through the newsagency and leave me shivering. And getting home was no picnic either, especially since I had to stop by my mother's workplace to pick up the lamp because I couldn't take that to work. Not that I had trouble getting it, it just meant more walking in the cold breeze.

But on the upside, I have the lamp! And my apartment is looking quite fabulous if I do say so myself. Two New York skyline lamps really add taste and style to my place! What say you?

In other news, I'm a bit concerned, I was coughing this morning, which I think was due to not swallowing a mouthful of fried egg properly, but I also had a runny nose, which I think is hayfever and tiredness, which I'm pretty sure is because I didn't get enough zzzs. However, it could be a cold since there has been one going around the office. I sure hope not though, I hate trying to get work when I have a cold. I should have bought some mandarins.

Although, it could well be hayfever...and lack of sleep, fingers crossed!

Not much else to report, oh, I've stuffed the Pinkie Loaf, she's looking good! Especially since I made a new tail for her, it looks a bit more Pinkie-ish if I do say so myself. Might need to look into the mane at some point though. I can't quite figure out how to do it though... sewing is hard, man.

Right, further to my statements about lack of sleep, I should get myself to bed. Besides if it is a cold (knock on wood!) extra zzzzs can only do it good, right.

And I have some herbal hayfever relief which I'm going to keep taking and hope for the best on that front.

So on that note, I shall be off!

Goodnight all!










Reach for the laser with Antic's Sims-ulator!

lack o' sleep, weird shit, sewing, work, the clothes on my back, apartment, cold weather, health worries, pinkie pie

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