Stuff! Things! Randomness!

May 04, 2011 15:50

Right, 2011 is officially a bastard. Onto other news...

Don't worry, I haven't forgotten about making stuff for Pay It Forward  - sorrynotsorry  and dahliablue I will be in touch soon, I promise. My etsy shop seems to have a rhythm of nothing-for-ages and then umpty-million-things-at-once and I clearly need to learn better time management skills!

More etsy treasuries here. One of Glasgow based sellers, and one of Firefly/Serenity items.

Handwriting meme!

Write the following and take a picture!

1. Your user name.
2. Your favorite band.
3. Draw a heart.
4. Your favorite person.
5. How are you today?
6. Tag 5 people.

Crafts! Some random geeky bags!

These were made ages ago as colour tests for new paints. I should get them up on my etsy site soon - I've already got about half a dozen shopping bags of my own, what else am I going to do with them?!

Which reminds me - has ontd_startrek  stopped doing Make it Sew posts? Cos I haven't seen one in ages and I've made loads of Trekkie things lately which I really feel like showing off.

Meant to make a post of reactions to things I have seen lately, but as per bloody usual I don't really have the time, so here, have the quick versions:

Fast & Furious 5 - Fast cars, check. Inappropriate sexual tension, check. Fantastic stunts, check. Vin Diesel's sexy voice being all growly and sexy, check. Vin Diesel punching people, check. The Rock punching people, check. 'Splosions, check. Heist-y banter, check. Actual physics of the world totally not adhered to, check. So basically, if you like this franchise, this'll be your favourite one. Also, stay for the credits for a "we totally know we're making a sixth one" scene which gave me much happiness.

Thor - Made me giggle like a loon for most of its running time. Unexpected [character's name redacted for spoilers] was unexpected, but also awesome. Hewsworth was fantastic and hella hot. Idris Elba was ridic badass (and also sporting a sexy growly voice. I seem to have a thing.) And again, stay right to the very end of the credits for a little Avengers tease. I am excite.

Doctor Who - Dear Steven Moffat, please stop trying to break my brain. Love, Me.

Community - Baby episode was fabulous, but my dear deities, the "clip show" episode was quite possibly the most glorious thing an American sitcom has ever produced. I though I was actually going to hyperventilate at one point I was laughing so hard.

This entry was originally posted at

Edited approximately a billion times because I am a bear of very little brain and LJ doesn't seem to be able to remember any of the changes I keep making. Aaaargh. Technology, why do you hate me?

crafts, firefly, battlestar galactica, technology is sometimes my nemesis, etsy treasury, telly, gratuitous use of gifs, meme, star trek, geekiness, bags

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