Damn you technology...

Nov 23, 2010 17:57

Having intermittent internet issues due to crappy phone line wiring (I think that's a fair assumption to make when wiggling the wires at the landline socket makes the internet come back from wherever it was hiding) and so my ability to get anything actually done has plummeted. It is incredible to think that in a little over a decade I have become as dependent on having an internet connection as I am on having electricity. I've got about two dozen things on my to do list that I've started but not finished. And I'm a bit behind on replies to all web based communications - will get caught up soon!

And now my computer in general, and Firefox in particular have decided to join in with the not-working-ness. Aaaargh.

One thing I have managed to get done, however, is putting up a cafe press store for my Star Trek doctor definition t-shirt. I intend to add a few more products yet, I just need to work out different dimensions for different things, and work out how they deal with printing on dark t-shirts. And then I'll move on to getting stores up for each of the other definition shirts. I'm just moving at a snail's pace so far!

Anyway, you can see that here (it should default to your own currency, but you can change it in the top right hand corner if it doesn't) and please let me know if there's any particular product you'd like to see in there or if there's something you reckon I should change.

And I'd like to add a big thank you to everyone who posted happy things the other day - it was much appreciated.

If I could make photobucket bend to my will right now I'd add a pretty picture (probably of Tom Hardy, as per) but I can't, so just imagine something beautiful here instead.


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