Any excuse for a Tom Hardy picspam

Sep 10, 2010 17:46

I am feeling a bit down and grumpy today. And I have a friend who does not yet understand the appeal of Tom Hardy. This seems to add up to as good a reason as any to embark on an epic Tom Hardy post.

Let's start out slowly, with some pictures of the pretty.

One matchstick. Looking cool, hip and groovy.

So, we've established he's pretty. He is also HAWT. (And inked, which is HAWT.)

But, wait! I am not merely objectifying him. (I am totally objectifying him, it's just not the only thing.) I also just love his brain. He is smart, and funny, and open-minded (yeah, we'll get to that), and talks so intelligently about acting and filmmaking. (This interview where his knowledge of French cinema kinda floors everyone else makes me happy inside.)

So, that all adds up to a pretty sexy man, doesn't it? But I'm not even remotely done yet. Because Tom Hardy is an enigma wrapped in a riddle, entangled in hilarity, covered in awesome, dipped in chocolate and topped with a cherry.

There's the whole massive-cam-whore thing...

I don't even know...


(And I don't even have the speedoes and dog in speedoes pic, or the random hat, bike and is-that-a-gun-in-your-pocket pic. Someone help me out with those?)  Found them! Now in an ETA below.

But don't let those photos make you think that he's one of those wankers. He's a sensitive man.

(Youtube embedding is being wonky - go here!)

He loves animals!

Bonus awesome hat.

Brain melting! Meltiiiiiinnnnnnnnnggggggggg....

He can wear ridiculous clothes and somehow still look good. (OK, maybe not good, but he still looks like a hot man in bizarre clothes.)

We're still not done yet! I haven't wibbled about the constant play-fighting with castmates, or the amount of work he puts into getting in shape for a film: go watch this video now! It contains such wonders as this:








OK. Brain back online now. It couldn't quite cope for a few moments there.

And then, of course, there's the fact that Tom Hardy is unimpressed by your binary divisions of gender and sexuality - see "Of course I have, I’m an actor for fuck’s sake" (aka possibly my favourite sentence ever uttered by an actor); his obsession with shoes; his accidentally calling JGL "darling"; and his jealous possessiveness of Gerald Butler.

And I am predictably smitten when I see hot boys all bloodied up:

A few more gifs before I return to the world where problems cannot be solved by THard picspam.

So, in summation, Tom Hardy: made of win, awesomesauce, contradictions, sex, and fangirls' dreams. HOW ARE YOU REAL? And dear god or whoever, thank you for making THOSE LIPS.

And oh yes indeedy he is the next big thing.

I do feel quite a lot better now having done that. But I'm sure I've missed many examples of Tom Hardy's wonderfulness - please feel free to spam me some more! (And a quick thank you tomeiface for her post that doesn't really exist.)


Yeah, I have no clue WTF is going on... How are these all pictures of the same person?

Couldn't find the original of this one, but what is this I don't even...

ETA: Now with added picspam in the comments! Woot!

Apologies to anyone who saw this whilst I was having a small fight with youtube, LJ and html in general! And that whole LJ cut fail thing, sorry!

tom hardy, picspam, inception, oh so hot

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