So, Inception kinda ate my brain...

Jul 24, 2010 18:43

I have craft related stuff to do, and craft related stuff to post, but instead I am mostly on the internet being an Inception fangirl. The spoiler-free version of my reaction goes thusly: ohmygod, ohmygod, so cool, ohmygod, sweetmotherofhottness, ohmygod, ohmygod, wtfbbq you cannot end it like that, ohmygod you ended it like that, I love you Nolan and your twisted mind of wonder. A spoilery and slightly more coherant post is on my to do list. Probably after I've seen it again.

Also, I love you internets, you are made of awesome and hilarity:

And there was Arthur/Eames fic up within 4 days of the movie being out. Bravo internets, bravo.

And one last unrelated pic spam to the tune of my yearly moan "fml, why am I not at comic con?"

tom hardy, white collar, internet hilarity, comic con, inception, oh so hot, geekiness

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