"Also, I can kill you with my brain"

Jun 18, 2010 16:29

It's all going so well! And so fast! I am afeared of the moment it all goes horribly wrong. Admittedly she is about half the size of my Enterprise cross stitch, so you would hope it'd be quicker and easier than that one. But I am using many of the exact same thread colours (yup, my waste-not-want-not philosophy extends even to thread) so I may experience just as much angst before it's done. Aaaaargh. Why do I feel the need to turn every craft project into a battle? Bah. But she is looking pretty. Woot!

Is there such a thing as crafting-bipolar-ness?


Two days ago:

crafts, firefly, serenity xstitch, cross stitch, work in progress, serenity

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