"All in the game." - Traditional West Baltimore

Oct 26, 2009 14:03

In what seems like forever and a day ago, I promised to post pictures of the wonderful Wireopoly that rooferrocks made us as a gift. And so finally I get around to showing off her genius blending of Monopoly and The Wire.

I had also said I would write the "standard internet nerd essay about why [The Wire] is the best thing ever on television" but I think many other people have said it so much better than I ever could. So I will just briefly point out a few things before I get to the pictures:

  • Charlie Brooker has many thoughts on the awesomeness of The Wire.
  • It has practically become the official TV show of The Guardian.
  • It's Obama's favourite show.
  • I bloody love it. And people rarely point out how funny and entertaining it is. A dark kind of funny, but funny nonetheless. "You're supposed to be the good cop, dumb motherfucker!"
And so onto pictures, a few here and (loads and loads) more behind the cut.

Since it's made from a British Monopoly set there's occasional confusion between pounds and dollars, but when you're playing the game it somehow doesn't seem to matter.

The train stations become other key Baltimore businesses:

And Community Chest and Chance become much more interesting when they're a Ghetto Stash or Bubbs' Depot!

Fish-sitting! Hee!

Who needs a top hat when you have Bubbles? Or a scotty dog when you can play as Snoop? Also, note that jail in Wireopoly happens to be Oswald State Correctional Facility. The most perfect of crossovers!

We even have miniature towers instead of the hotels:

So there you have it. Isn't that just the most wonderful piece of customization? For more pics, and closer close ups of the board itself, have a look here.

other crafts, customised games, the wire, geekiness

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