Mar 18, 2009 07:32
in the past 2 days i've had 3 dreams about ppl close to me dying. the 1st 2 were close ppl, but to be honest i dont remember the third. idk what they symbolize but i dont like it. last night, after these dreams, nancy asked me to go with her to the hospital today too get some results back from a blood test and mammogram--mind you, these were after i had the dreams.
right now i'm trying to fix my R4. i tried to update it, but then it wouldnt load properly. i knew i should have backed up the old kernals n whatnot before i tried to update, but i didnt. i watched some R4 setup video on youtube and they said you might want to wipe the folder clean b4 updating or it may not work properly. im doing that now, of course, backing up my files this time. hopefully it will work after this, otherwise i may have to consult my asshole brother who im not speaking to at the min. and i def. dont want to do that right now. of course while i typed this, theres a thing on tv about the new DSI
and right after burning all this stuff on my comp (anime, manga, and music) another bunch of crap is in my "burning" folder.
unrelated: i need to get out and meet some new ppl... but im lazy.
to do list: update lj, fix ds, look for new dls, check email (all 3 or 4 addresses), job hunt, shower, get ready to go out with nancy, maybe sleep again.