Just Can't Get Enough -- 1/?

Jan 24, 2012 10:05

Title: Just Can't Get Enough
Rating: PG
Genre and/or Pairing: Dean/Cas, High School!AU, pretty much Every One Has Wings!AU if you'd much prefer that.
Spoilers: none
Warnings: mention of character deaths.
Word Count: 1588
Summary: After an accident at his school, Dean and his family move to another state. There, he meets Castiel, an angel, who might be able to him with his problems. But is Dean willing to open up enough to let it happen?
A/N: Pretty much my first Supernatural fic, so I apologize in advance. Un-beta'd.

“I don't even want to go to school anymore,” Dean moaned as he helped unpack the many boxes that littered the living room the their new house.

“You don't really have a choice, Dean.”

Ellen wasn't having any of it. “This is your eleventh year, and they're going to let you slide in without having to wait to do the whole year over. So you won't have to wait until this school year ended.”

“I wouldn't mind that...” The sound of Dean's dejected tone made Ellen stop what she was doing. She looked up and noticed that Dean's wings were handing limp at his sides.

She gave a save smile and moved around a box to stand beside him, wrapping her arms and wings around him.

“I know that sweetheart, but think of this as a chance to start over, make some new friends. And hey, Sam and Jo will be at the same school. Maybe you'll meet someone interesting. That school has demons and angels. Ain't that something?”

Dean gave her a rueful look, like she stole his pie.

“Fine, but angels are all assholes.”


“No! It's true! They think they're above us. Except mom. She was the only one.”

Ellen sighed. Dean still had much to learn about the world and the angels. And even himself.

“Just give it a chance, Dean. Maybe you'll like it here.”

“What if I don't? What if none of us do? It's my fault we had to move in the first place,” he groused, wings lowering even more.

“Now don't you go sating that! It wasn't your fault, Dean! What happened, happened. I think anyone in your position would have done that.”

“Not.. Not my fault!? I put something in the hospital! I almost killed him. If anything they should lock me away!” Life returned to his wings, slick black feathers bristled up. There were hints of a lightish brown blended into the long flight feathers.

Suddenly there was another voice joining in.

“You need to stop blaming yourself for every little thing that happens, ya idjit.”

“'Little thing'? You think that happened was little?” Dean lifted his arms, turning to look at Bobby. Before he could get another word out, he could see Sam and Jo peeking around the door frame, watching with wariness. He quickly deflated, wings settling back down.

“You know what? Whatever. I'm going out for a walk. I'll finish unpacking my stuff later.”

Grabbing his jacket, he left the house, wings tucked flat against his back. They did their best to hide themselves.


Dean had no idea where he was, or even where he was going. Once he caught sight of a park, he headed for it, sitting himself on one of the swings. The park seemed empty, though it was pretty cold.

The swing creaked as he shifted some, leaning to the side so his cheek rested against the cold chain that held it up. With a sigh, he watched the sky. Every now and then he'd see a demon or an angel flything through the sky. Something he doesn't ever want to experience.

He was so caught up with watching what was above him that he wasn't aware that he was being approached.

And when that didn't get his attention, a hand moved ont his shoulder. Not even seconds later, Dean was practically yearing himself away from the swing and the hand, wings having their little spaz moment as he spun around.

There were three of them. Two males, one female. The girl pretty red hair, blue eyes, and wings that were the same firey red. The shortyer male had dusty brown hair that was styled weird and wings to match, and hazel eyes that reminded him of his brother's eyes. The last one, oh boy, Dean didn't know if he could look away. Dark hair that seemed a shade away from black, sticking up in every which direction like he just woke up and that was it, same dark wings that were just as beautiful. But what got him the most were his eyes.

Large, blue eyes.

Dean could stare at him for hours if he were given the chance.

Then it hit him and he immediately drew back another step.

They were angels.

“Easy there, tiger.” The shorter male said, moving to circle around him like some kind of predator. Without thinking, Dean drew his wings tighter to his back as he cautiously watched him.

“Will you stop that, you're making him uncomfortable,” the girl said, the look of pity evident in her eyes.

Dean didn't like that look. He didn't need their pity. His wings bristled some.


The voice snagged Dean's attention, his green eyes looking right at Blue Eyes.

Gabriel's head tipped to the side curiously, eyes trained on the long flight feathers of Dean's wings. He took the sudden distraction and gently grabbed one of the feathery limbs., pulling it out some to observe it. A laugh bubbled up.

“Look at this! He had some brown feathers. Aren't you a demon though?”

The sudden feeling of exposure rushed him as he ripped his wing from the angel's hold.

“Don't touch me!” Dean all but growled loudly, wings arching up and spreading out some in anger.

“Woah, woah. I'm sorry, man! Didn't know you were sensitive.”

Blue Eyes looked just as startled as the other two at the sudden aggressiveness.

“Gabriel, perhaps you should leave..”

Gabriel agreed whole heartedly as he grabbed the girl's arm and pulled her along with him.

Dean watched the two retrate, the other to remaining one, wings still bristled though his anger was slowly disappating.

Blue Eyes watched him for a moment, “Sorry about my brother, he doesn't really know how to control himself sometimes.”

“No kidding.”

“I'm Castiel, by the way. You can call me Cas if you'd like.”

Dean's wings finally settled back down, hands digging into the pockets of his jacket.

“Dean.” He mumbled loud enough for Castiel to hear.

“Nice to meet you, Dean. I take it you're new here.” It was more an observation then a question.

“Yeah. Just moved in. Somewhere that way,” he pointed in the direction he came from.

Castiel couldn't help but chuckle, a sound Dean decided he liked. “So all you know is the direction?”

“Kinda,” he rubbed the back of his neck. “I remember what the house looking. If I need to I'll just call my dad.”

“You're a demon, but.. you have color other then back in your wings. Why's that?”

Dean knew that question was going to pop up sooner or later, but it didn't help because he still shifted unconfortabley, which caused Castiel to get flustered.

“Ah! I'm sorry. You don't have to tell me if you don't want to. I was just curious.”

“It's okay, really.” Dean reassured as he moved over to one of the benches, Castiel following close behind and taking a seat beside him.

“A fire killed my parents when I was four. I have a little brother, Sam, who I had with me. Our dad was able to get us out before he went back in for our mom. They never got out. Well, our mom was an angel and our dad was a demon. An odd pair, huh.. That's why I have brown in my wings. Me and Sammy are halflings.”

His wings fluttered some at being mentioned, oddly enough, he watched as Castiel's wings mimiced the movement. The angel noticed this also and quickly stilled them looking absolutely embarrassed.

“Sorry.” Castiel looked away, feet scuffing against the ground.

“Dude, you need to stop apologizing for everything. Anyways, shortly after that, we were adopted by Ellen and Bobby. They were friends of our parents. A few weeks after the fire, Ellen's daughter, Jo, was born.”

Dean wasn't sure why he was pretty much telling this stranger-an angel-his like story. For some odd reason, he felt calm around Castiel.


Castiel, again, wanted to say sorry, but he kept his mouth shut, but was still curious about something.

“Why'd you move here? It's unusual to move during a break.” He watched Dean expectantly. The angel barely caught a shot of pain that flickered quickly across his expression.

“I'd rather not talk about that,” Dean murmured, looking off to the side.

“Oh, okay. You don't have to. I was just curious is all. We don't usually get students in the middle of the year. I'm sure you have a good reason.”

Castiel couldn't help but smile a little. He was finding Dean to be better company then most of the people he knew.

Dean didn't say anything to that, head lowered.

Silence fell between them, but it wasn't awkward or anything. Dean was once again surprised, but feared that if Castiel knew what he did at this other school, he wouldn't want to be his friend anymore.


Was Cas even his friend?

Wait. Wait.


Okay, now he was going crazy.

“I should probably get back,” Dean suddenly announced, breaking the silence and standing. “I still have to unpack all my junk.”

Castiel stood also. “All right, well I guess I'll see you later then.”

A shadow of a smile tugged at Dean's lips. “Yeah, that'd be cool.”

feathery goodness, pairing: dean/castiel, just can't get enough

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