Just Can't Get Enough -- 5b/?

Feb 13, 2012 00:34

Title: Just Can't Get Enough
Genre and/or Pairing: Dean/Cas, High School!AU, pretty much Every One Has Wings!AU if you'd much prefer that.
Spoilers: none
Warnings: Just Dean's potty mouth, but what's new?
Word Count: 1311
Summary: After an accident at his school, Dean and his family move to another state. There, he meets Castiel, an angel, who might be able to him with his problems. But is Dean willing to open up enough to let it happen?
A/N: Woo, this is a big one compared to the smaller amounts I write! I've decided on a Verse name. I'll stick with Angels & Demons!Verse. After this chapter, I'll be writing a few oneshots in the verse. Trying new and different things. Exciting.

When everything was straightened out, and Meg was suspended for a week, the day went back on its normal way. Except that in the last class of the day, Dean wasn't able to sit beside Castiel like in the other classes they have together.

So he sat in the back, where the only seat was available. Not that he didn't mind, he often sat in the back in the class at his old school. But this could prove to be okay for him. This gave him the chance to watch Castiel. In the other classes, it would be a bit awkward sitting beside the angel and turning his head to watch him, awkward and a bit embarrassing.

No, right here he could watch him as long as he wanted. He could look at his wings; watch them shift against the seat to get into a comfortable position. Though he wasn't expecting Castiel to turn his head to look back at him. Dean blinked owlishly as Cas smiled at him. Moments later Dean's head became best friends with the desk.

He only looked back up when Castiel had turned his head back around. For the rest of the class, Dean paid attention, trying not to look back to the angel.

It worked. Sorta.

Until the bell rang, signaling the end of class; the end of the school day.

Dean released a sigh of relief, standing to grab his book bag. When he straightened back up, he blinked, staring right into the eyes of Castiel.

“I guess we should get the others,” the halfer said, moving to the side to shove his book into his bag.

After gathering all the siblings, the group moved off school grounds. Dean remained close by Sam's side and kept a careful eye on him. Anything that'll keep his mind off the angel. He was acting like some girl with a crush.

The sudden thought made him pause for a split moment, keeping his usually gait beside his brother. Don't think about it now, don't think about it. It was not the time to be freaking out, there were more important things to discuss.

“We have to tell mom and dad,” Dean said suddenly, drawing everyone's attention to him.

“Dean.. we don't have to.” Sam frowned, hands gripping at the strap of his book bag.

“We have to Sammy, you know mom's going to wanna know why you have a bandage on your wing, and don't think about taking it off.” His hand swatted at the younger halfer's wandering hand.

“But what if mom wants us to move again?”

This made Dean look over to the angels that were walking on his other side. Castiel seemed to be the only one to look morbidly alarmed, Anna just looked a bit sad, and Gabriel.. Well Gabriel just looked like he always did, but he could see the hints of something flicker in his eyes.

Dean scoffed, looking back to Sam. “Mom isn't going to make us move again. We just got here. Plus it's only Meg.”

“Yeah, and if she comes near us again, I'm going to clobber her! I'll make her wish she didn't mess with Sammy!”

“Easy there, Rambo,” Dean gave Jo a look that told her to cut it out. “You won't be doing anything.”

Jo pouted, linking her arm with Sam's, “But she's a girl, you can't hit girls.”

“Like I said earlier, she's not a girl, she's a psychotic bitch monster.”

“Oh man, I should remember that,” Gabriel piped up, “I think I'll write her a note and start it with that.” He cackled quietly to himself, ignoring Anna's disapproving look.

Anna then looked to Dean. “It'd be best that you didn't hit her, nonetheless. As it still stands, you can get in a lot of trouble if you hit her.”

“Yeah,” Dean started to agree. “But it'd be so worth it in the end. Just the satisfaction of knowing that I punched her in the face..”

“Let's not go punching Meg in the face, okay?” Castiel said, not wanting any of them to get into trouble.

Dean released an exasperated sigh, shoulders slumping in defeat. “Fine. But know this, if she starts something, I'm not afraid to finish it.” And that was that.

Anna and Gabriel looked at the two before looking at one another. The both grinned knowingly, well Gabriel did, Anna gave a small smile.

“So Dean, is Sammy a halfer also?” Gabriel asked nonchalant, hands in pockets.

“It's Sam,” the boy grumbled, shooting a glare at the angel.

“Yeah, but I think he's more demon though. He sure acts like it,” Dean laughed, ruffling his brother's hair.

“Like you can talk Dean, you're even worse. You act younger then us, especially when it comes to playing games. So childish.” Jo hummed in victory, earning her own glare from the halfer.

“Watch out Cassie, he might corrupt you,” the older angel joked, watching his brother's face heat up just slightly.

“I grew up with you Gabriel, I'm pretty sure I can handle myself.” Castiel could tell that his brother was enjoying himself a little too much.

This went on all the way to Dean's house, which Gabriel and Anna went ahead and headed back to their house.

Standing on the sidewalk in front of the house, Dean looked to Castiel. “You can come over if you want.”

“Maybe tomorrow. My parents are going to want to know how today was, and my classes.” Cas caught the distressing look on Dean's face. “But I'm not going to mention what happened at lunch. Neither is Anna or Gabriel.”

Dean seemed to relax at that, readjusting the strap on his shoulder. “Okay, well then I'll see you tomorrow.”

Sam and Jo also gave their farewells, which Jo had gone as far as hugging the angel. Dean didn't find that fair at all, that she had no problemhugging him, but he absolutely did not let it show. No, no. There was no way he was feeling jealous because of his sister. Castiel left with a smile on his face.

When they entered the house, Ellen was there waiting for them in the kitchen, and one look at the bandage almost made her throw a fit.

“Sam, what on earth happened?” She demanded gently, throwing all her attention on her son as she inspected his sore wing.

“Mom,” Dean started, his wings fidgeting now, until the woman looked to him.

“Dean.” That's all it really took to convey the need to let her know.

“You remember Meg?” From the look on her face, it seemed like she didn't recognize the name. “You know.. Alistair's cousin from Lawrence High.” Ah, bingo. There's that look of pure, raging intent on the demon's face. Sam and Jo seemed to flinch back some, Dean didn't. He knew it was coming.

“Why are you mentioning her?” Ellen didn't like the sound of where this was heading.

“Well she apparently goes there, and.. she shoved Sammy down and stepped on his wing. But I stopped her from doing anything else!” He had to quickly add in that last part before things went flying around the house.

But then she deflating, rubbing her hand against Sam's injured wing in comfort.

“Well I guess since I didn't get a call, it couldn't have been that bad. I'm proud you didn't do anything too out of hand, guys.” But she aimed her look at Dean.

“Meg was suspended for a week, and you know I would have--”

“Punched her in the face. Yeah, yeah, I know how your mind works, son.”

Nodding sheepishly, Dean grinned.

feathery goodness, pairing: dean/castiel, just can't get enough

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