Jan 10, 2005 22:47
really. The dogs were barking right outside the window with that "we got something" tone and whaddaya know, when I opened the door & looked out there was a Very Large wild boar standing in the yard. Like 200 lbs. of hog. It retreated behind the hedge, out of sight, but my GOD! What a stench rolled off of it. My dad came out and shook his head. A few minutes later, I aimed the flashlight at its head while Dad fired the shotgun and now it is twitching in the front yard while Dad gets the backhoe to haul it off.
This day & night have been just too freaking weird. Nightmares at 6:00 a.m., 6-year-old's ballet lessons at 4:30 (all sweet poufy pink blondness) - noisesome smell of a dead hog in the front yard at half past ten.